1938 Radio News

News from 1938. I usually share these via torrent but I don't think all these files are available on archive.org so here's a 1938 news file dump. Plus roller derby. :) Any typo or error is mine.
This recording is part of the Old Time Radio collection.
1938 Radio News

I have discovered that the news on radio in 1938 was equally biased as the CABLE NEWS in 2018. That is very disappointing because it would be much more desirable for the news to be unbiased, free and open... The news in 1938 reflected the views of the great propaganda spewed by the New York City machinery rather than scholarly and well researched information. Most of the 1938 radio journalists were propagandists just as the 2018 CABLE NEWS journalists have become and the Network broadcasters were after World War 2....
Unknown Date of Lindberg probably 1940 or early 1941

Item #41. In the middle of the speech, Lindberg clearly states "when hostilities began in 1939..." Definitely not 1938.
1938 News -date correction for item #22

1938-08-28 Sigrid Schultz on Munich Conference is most likely September 29, 1938. Definitely not August. Thanks for the collection.
Thank you!

These are GREAT fun to listen to. It reminds me how much things are different, and yet stay the same. Thanks for sharing these.

Thanks so much for the upload, you learn more from real living history than you do in school! Thank u so much!

It's so fascinating to listen to these bits of history. Thank you for taking the time to share this with us.
Mistake in date

380217 Appeasement Marches On is from Feb. 17, 1939.