WGN Hallicrafters Hour

A 1945 episode of the The Hallicrafters Hour, featuring the mononymous cabaret singer & early gay icon, Hildegarde. Ham radio, Hallicrafters, and Hildegarde haha. The intro says that this program is the 9th of a series called "America Unlimited." The "Two Ton" Baker website http://twotonbaker.com/ has scan of a Chicago Tribune article about this show. It says: "W-G-N and the Tribune are cooperating with the army, navy, and top priority war plants in presenting this series. After the broadcast the audience at Medinah temple will be entertained by Songstress Judy Starr, Dick [Two Ton] Baker, and Manny Opper, stage and radio favorites." In the broadcast there's a short wartime radio play about the SCR-299 transmitter (that also mentions the Hallicrafters HT-4 transmitter & RE-1 "morale" portable receiver) so this show might be of interest to boatanchor collectors and other radio geeks. Any error or typo is mine. :)
This recording is part of the Old Time Radio collection.
1945-04-02 WGN Hallicrafters Hour W9WZE Hildegarde | 29:50 |
Hildegarde Not Just a Gay Icon

She was beloved by the Men overseas during WWII and was one of the hottest acts in the country. She died in 2005 at the age of 99 but she was a definite star who helped keep the morale up for the men "over there."