EA #136 Aces Get Ready for Arizona Trip
11:08 |
EA #137 Betty & Cokie Find Note Signed M
10:53 |
EA #138 Neal Joins Investig of Note
10:49 |
EA #139 Neal Suspects Marsh for the Illegal Land Deal
9:53 |
EA #140 Marsh Ciy Hall Property Files Missing
10:49 |
EA #141 Neal Hires Safecracker to Get Evidence
10:53 |
EA #142 Marsh Hears of Neal's Investigation
10:49 |
EA #143 Neat Gets Statement from Investigator
10:51 |
EA #144 Neal Talks to Editor & Gets Fired
10:36 |
EA #145 Neal Confronts Marsh
10:36 |
EA #146 Neal Confronts his Boss
10:48 |
EA #147 Getting House Ready to Surprise Jane
11:29 |
EA #148 Trouble Moving into House
11:07 |
EA #149 The Aces Return by Train
11:34 |
EA #150 Surprise Party Cheers up Jane
10:44 |
EA #151 Ace Explains How he Got Money Back to Jane
10:15 |
EA #152 Cokie & Betty Want to Get Married
10:36 |
EA #153 Betty Argues w the Aces about Cokie
10:57 |
EA #154 Jane Helps Betty Plan Elopement
11:16 |
EA #155 Cokie Tells Ace he's Not Marrying
10:07 |
EA #156 Cokie Then Tells Jane he's Not Marrying
10:52 |
EA #157 Jane Tells Betty of Cokie's Change of Heart
10:34 |
EA #158 Ace Places Ad for New Business Partner
11:12 |
EA #159 Ace Gets Jane's Answer to Ad
11:09 |
EA #160 Jane & Ace Meet about Partnership
10:30 |
EA #161 The Aces Discuss Opening Beauty Shop
10:22 |
EA #162 Jane Checks out Beauty Shop
11:08 |
EA #163 Ace Decides Not to Buy Beauty Shop
10:59 |
EA #164 Jane Listens to a Quiz Show
10:27 |
EA #165 Jane Prepares for Quiz Show
10:40 |
EA #166 Jane Appears on the Quiz Show
9:55 |
EA #167 Ace Wants to Be Neff's Partner
11:06 |
EA #168 Jane Gets Betty to Work for Ace
10:45 |
EA #169 Jane Meddles in Ace's First Real Estate Deal
10:39 |
EA #170 Neff Tries to Calm Mr Thompson
10:47 |
EA #171 Jane Prepares to Play the Farmer's Wife
10:51 |
EA #172 Jane Plays Her Part Too Well
11:05 |
EA #173 Jane Worries about Ace Working Late
11:10 |
EA #174 Ace Trying to Sell Farm to Widow
10:25 |
EA #175 Jane Suspects Ace Seeing Other Woman
10:28 |
EA #176 Marge Gets Ace's Story - Jane Sees Lawyer
10:42 |
EA #177 Jane Thinks Ace Wants to Get Rid of Her
10:23 |
EA #178 Jane Has Left Ace Is Using Her Maiden Name
9:58 |
EA #179 Ace Sells Farm - Jane Teaches Cokie Bridge
10:54 |
EA #180 Jane Upset over Leaving Ace
12:06 |
EA #181 Mrs Adams Talks to Jane
11:09 |
EA #182 Jane Has Trouble with Laura
10:56 |
EA #183 Laura Tries to Bluff Raise from the Aces
11:27 |
EA #184 Laura Gets Her Raise
10:40 |
EA #185 Jane's Sister Writes Letter re Betty
11:24 |
EA #186 No One Knows Who Betty's Boyfriend Is
11:34 |
EA #187 Betty Is Seeing an Older Man
11:40 |
EA #188 Jane Gets Cokie To Trail Betty
11:51 |
EA #189 Betty's Boyfriend in Trouble with Ace
11:35 |
EA #190 Jane Talks Mr Page into Giving up Betty
11:25 |
EA #191 Jane Thinks Neff's Nephew Should Date Betty
11:25 |
EA #192 Jane Throws Dinner for Betty & Carl
11:32 |
EA #193 Betty Tells off Everyone Incl Carl
11:23 |
EA #194 Jane Tries to Get Carl & Betty Together
11:24 |
EA #195 Carl & Betty Fight over Bridge Game
11:01 |
EA #196 Everyone Makes Up
11:42 |
EA #197 Neff Upset w Carl for Seeing Betty
11:40 |
EA #198 Carl Proposes to Betty
11:54 |
EA #199 Jane Talks to Neff re Betty & Carl
11:45 |
EA #200 Neff Threatens to Break Partnership
11:15 |
EA #201 Carl Finds Clause to Block Neff
11:32 |
EA #202 Betty Refuses Bribe from Neff
11:25 |
EA #203 Jane Takes a Check from Neff
11:00 |
EA #204 Jane Gets Another Chance to Fix Things
11:16 |
EA #205 Jane Tricks Neff - Betty & Carl Marry
11:25 |
EA #206 Jane Plans Party for Cokie
12:31 |
EA #207 Jane Visits Cokie's Orphanage
12:10 |
EA #208 Jane Tries to Crash Party
11:26 |
EA #209 Jane Brings Home Letter from Orphanage
11:23 |
EA #210 Jane Tries to Get Evidence on Orphanage
11:46 |
EA #211 The Aces Meet Mrs Duffy
11:53 |
EA #212 Jane Wants to Manage Orphan Singer
11:32 |
EA #213 Jane Gets Johnny Ready for Audition
11:07 |
EA #214 Johnny Auditions for Ace Marge & Laura
11:47 |
EA #215 Jane Tries to Pick Johnny's Stage Name
11:04 |
EA #216 Johnny Cut from Radio Spot
11:20 |
EA #217 Johnny Gets his Start on Radio
10:52 |
EA #218 Carl & Betty Break Up
11:11 |
EA #219 Betty Talks to Jane about Fight
12:04 |
EA #220 The Aces Discuss Betty & Carl
10:59 |
EA #221 Betty Wants to Make up w Carl
11:30 |
EA #222 Betty & Carl Almost Make Up
11:24 |
EA #223 The Aces Plan a Fight for Betty & Carl
11:07 |
EA #224 The Aces Pretend to have Argument
11:33 |
EA #225 Carl & Betty Are Happy
11:35 |
EA #226 Jane Wants Mink Coat
11:46 |
EA #227 Jane Sells Tickets to Charity Play
10:48 |
EA #228 Ace Gets Neff to Buy Bunch of Tickets
11:50 |
EA #229 Jane Given the Part of a Maid
11:20 |
EA #230 Jane Explains Part to Marge & Ace
11:13 |
EA #231 Jane Rehearses - Ace Finds out about Tickets
12:08 |
EA #232 Jane Finds out she Owes Money for Tickets
11:01 |
EA #233 Jane's Phone Calls Interrupt Rehearsal
10:52 |
EA #234 Ace Gets Jane out of Selling Tickets
11:35 |
EA #235 Jane Prepares for Her Role
11:26 |
EA #236 Star of the Play in a Shootout
10:52 |
EA #237 Jane Tells Marge & Ace about Shootout
11:10 |
EA #238 Jane the Understudy Made Star of Play
11:55 |
EA #239 Jane Gets Rave Notices for Performance
11:02 |
EA #240 Jane Gets Offer by Telegram
11:13 |
EA #241 Jane Wants Ace to See Doctor
10:55 |
EA #242 Johnny Wants to Sell Life Ins to Ace
11:22 |
EA #243 Johnny Tries to Explain Ins to Jane
10:43 |
EA #244 Jane Talks to a Dr re Ace Being Tired
11:37 |
EA #245 Ace plays Bridge to forget his Heart
10:57 |
EA #246 Ace Tries to Teach Jane Bridge Signals
11:03 |
EA #247 Jane Starts Taking Bridge Lessons
11:31 |
EA #248 Ace Invites Neff for Bridge - Expecting to Lose
11:27 |
EA #249 Neff & Jane are Bridge Partners
11:12 |
EA #250 Jane's Instructor Wants her to Teach Bridge
11:36 |
EA #251 Jane Used as Mrs Average Player
11:44 |
EA #252 Ace Learns about Jane's Bridge Job
11:12 |
EA #253 Jane Gives Another Lesson
11:02 |
EA #254 Jane Talks about her Bridge Playing Job
11:27 |
EA #255 Jane's Bridge Method Becoms Popular
11:50 |
EA #256 Jane Discusses her New Contract
11:25 |
EA #257 Newspaper Wants to Interview Jane
11:20 |
EA #258 Everyone Mad at Jane
11:16 |
EA #259 Jackson Runs Bridge Scam
11:19 |
EA #260 Jane Talks w Ace about a Bridge Business
11:45 |
EA #261 Renting Office for the Business
11:14 |
EA #262 Planning New Bridge Business
11:42 |
EA #263 Ace Calls Bridge Business a Joke
11:43 |
EA #264 Jane Hires Bridge Player
11:17 |
EA #265 New Player Is Card Shark
11:40 |
EA #266 First Day of Bridge Business
10:51 |
EA #267 Players Are Wanted as Dance Partners
11:01 |
EA #268 The Business Is Investigated
11:41 |
EA #269 Marge Quits her Job
11:08 |
EA #270 Jane Upset over New Steno
11:27 |
EA #271 Silent Partner Jane Cracks the Whip
10:58 |
EA #272 Jane Meets New Neighbour
11:25 |
EA #273 Jane Takes Marriage Lessons from Mrs Frederic
11:22 |
EA #274 Jane Gets Idea how to help Ace
11:10 |
EA #275 Jane Learns How to Help Ace in Office
10:48 |
EA #276 Jane Butters up Ace's Customer
11:43 |
EA #277 Ace's Customer Comes to Dinner
11:33 |
EA #278 Neff Spoils Deal over $5
11:27 |
EA #279 Jane Gets Customer to Sign Deal
11:15 |
EA #280 Mr Frederic Warns Ace about Jane
11:07 |
EA #281 Jane Wants to Hire Butler
11:03 |
EA #282 New Plan to Get Jane out of Ace's Bus
10:59 |
EA #283 Mrs Frederic Is Jealous
10:21 |
EA #284 Mrs Frederic Suspects Marge Wants Baxter
10:52 |
EA #285 Jane Suspects Marge
10:09 |