Words At War

The NBC program WORDS AT WAR is one of my very very favorite old time radio shows. I don't have all episodes available (disabled & can't afford to buy OTR), but here are the episodes that I do have. Enjoy. :D Correct episode names are from the helpful Digital Deli OTR site: http://www.digitaldeliftp.com/DigitalDeliToo/dd2jb-Words-At-War.html Additional research is my own, though I ran out of steam. :) About the Episodes *****EPISODE 01: 1943-06-24 NBC Words At War 01 Combined Operations The Official Story of the British Commandos.mp3 This episode was based on Combined Operations: The Official Story of the Commandos, by the British author Hilary Aidan Saint George Saunders. Review of the episode in the June 24, 1943 issue of Billboard http://books.google.com/books?id=fQwEAAAAMBAJ&lpg=PT13&pg=PT13#v=onepage&q&f=true Review of the book in the May 31, 1943 issue of Time http://www.time.com/time/magazine/article/0,9171,851739,00.html The book at the Internet Archive Lending Library: http://www.archive.org/details/combinedoperatio00grea *****EPISODE 02 don't have *****EPISODE 03: 1943-07-10 NBC Words At War 03 They Call It Pacific.mp3 This episode was based on They Call it Pacific by Clark Lee. A mention of this episode is in the Billboard link above. Article on Lee's exploits in the September 17, 1945 issue of Time http://www.time.com/time/printout/0,8816,854492,00.html book isn't available on archive.org *****EPISODE 04: 1943-07-17 NBC Words At War 04 The Last Days of Sevastopol.mp3 This Episode was based on The Last Days Of Sevastopol by Boris Voyetekhov trans. by Ralph Parker. Monday, May. 31, 1943 Time magazine article about the book: http://www.time.com/time/printout/0,8816,851747,00.html book isn't available on archive.org *****EPISODE 05: 1943-07-24 NBC Words At War 05 The Ship.mp3 This episode was based on The Ship by CS Forester. Monday, May. 17, 1943 Time magazine review of the book: http://www.time.com/time/printout/0,8816,851687,00.html book isn't available on archive.org *****EPISODE 06 1943-07-31 NBC Words At War 06 From the Land of the Silent People.mp3 This episode was based on From the Land of the Silent People by Robert St. John. Obit from the NYT: http://www.nytimes.com/2003/02/08/us/robert-st-john-100-globe-trotting-reporter-and-author.html book isn't available on archive.org *****EPISODE 07 1943-08-07 NBC Words At War 07 Prisoner Of The Japs.mp3 This episode was based on Prisoner Of The Japs by Gwen Dew. The Calgary Herald - Sep 5, 1942 http://news.google.com/newspapers?id=OitkAAAAIBAJ&sjid=i3sNAAAAIBAJ&pg=1100,447038& Book at Internet archive: http://www.archive.org/details/prisonerofthejap007029mbp *****EPISODE 08 1943-08-14 NBC Words At War 08 Love At First Flight.mp3 This episode was based on Love At First Flight by Charles Spalding and Otis Carney The Pittsburgh Press - Oct 23, 1943 http://news.google.com/newspapers?id=tNMbAAAAIBAJ&sjid=OlEEAAAAIBAJ&pg=6175,4680913& book isn't available on archive.org *****EPISODE 09 don't have *****EPISODE 10 1943-08-21 NBC Words At War 10 Malta Spitfire.mp3 This episode was based on Malta Spitfire: The Story of a Fighter Pilot by George Beurling & Leslie Roberts. Saskatoon Star-Phoenix - Aug 16, 1943 http://news.google.com/newspapers?id=HylgAAAAIBAJ&sjid=VG8NAAAAIBAJ&pg=4977,3881977&dq book isn't available on archive.org *****EPISODE 11 don't have *****EPISODE 12 1943-09-02 NBC Words At War 12 Dynamite Cargo.mp3 This episode was based on Dynamite Cargo by Fred Herman. Book at Internet archive: http://www.archive.org/details/dynamitecargocon007329mbp *****EPISODE 13 don't have *****EPISODE 14 1943-09-16 NBC Words At War 14 Since You Went Away.mp3 This Episode was based on Since You Went Away by Margaret Buell Wilder. Letter to the Editor in the August 14, 1944 issue of Life: http://books.google.com/books?id=9VAEAAAAMBAJ&pg=PA6&dq#v=onepage&q&f=true book isn't available on archive.org *****EPISODE 15 1943-09-23 NBC Words At War 15 They Shall Not Have Me.mp3 This Episode was based on They Shall Not Have Me: the Capture, Forced Labor and Escape of a French Prisoner of War by Jean Helion. Book at Internet archive: http://www.archive.org/details/theyshallnothave010857mbp *****EPISODE 16 1943-09-30 NBC Words At War 16 Battle Hymn Of China.mp3 This Episode was based on Battle Hymn Of China by Agnes Smedley. Book at Internet archive: http://www.archive.org/details/12319battlehymno035451mbp *****EPISODE 17 1943-10-05 NBC Words At War 17 Eighty-Three Days The Survival Of Seaman Izzi.mp3 This Episode was based on 83 Days: the Survival of Seaman Izzi by Mark Murphy. The Pittsburgh Press - Mar 11, 1943 http://news.google.com/newspapers?id=TTEbAAAAIBAJ&sjid=okwEAAAAIBAJ&pg=4967,5010307 Interesting production :) via Feb 5, 1944 Billboard: http://books.google.com/books?id=bAwEAAAAMBAJ&pg=PT5&dq=#v=onepage&q&f=true book isn't available on archive.org *****EPISODE 18 1943-10-12 NBC Words At War 18 Paris Underground.mp3 This Episode was based on Paris Underground by Etta Shiber. St. Petersburg Times - Sep 23, 1943 http://news.google.com/newspapers?id=WRxPAAAAIBAJ&sjid=n04DAAAAIBAJ&pg=4240,3119721 Book at Internet archive: http://www.archive.org/details/parisunderground001966mbp *****EPISODE 19 1943-10-19 NBC Words At War 19 Shortcut To Tokyo.mp3 This Episode was based on Shortcut To Tokyo by Corey Ford. Pittsburgh Post-Gazette - May 28, 1943 http://news.google.com/newspapers?id=8TcxAAAAIBAJ&sjid=AWoDAAAAIBAJ&pg=6130,3540179& Book at Internet archive: http://www.archive.org/details/shortcuttotokyot013616mbp *****EPISODE 20 1943-10-26 NBC Words At War 20 Who Dare To Live.mp3 This Episode was based on Frederick B. Watt's long narrative poem, Who Dare to Live. book isn't available on archive.org *****EPISODE 21 1943-11-02 NBC Words At War 21 Here Is Your War.mp3 This Episode was based on Here Is Your War: The Story of G.I. Joe by Ernie Pyle. book isn't available on archive.org *****EPISODE 22 1943-11-09 NBC Words At War 22 To All Hands.mp3 This Episode was based on To All Hands (USS Ancon AGC-4) by John Mason Brown. book isn't available on archive.org *****EPISODE 23 don't have *****EPISODE 24 1943-11-23 NBC Words At War 24 Escape From the Balkans.mp3 This Episode was based on Escape from the Balkans by Michael Padev. Ebook online: http://catalog.hathitrust.org/api/volumes/oclc/1381601.html *****EPISODE 25 1943-11-30 NBC Words At War 25 Ave Duce.mp3 This Episode was based on the books The Fruits of Fascism by Herbert L. Matthews. Balcony Empire by Reynolds and Eleanor Packard. Sawdust Caesar: the Untold Story of Mussolini and Fascism by George Seldes. Book at Internet archive: http://www.archive.org/details/SawdustCaesarTheUntoldStoryOfMussoliniAndFascism *****EPISODE 26 1943-12-07 NBC Words At War 26 A Book Of War Letters.mp3 This Episode was based on A Book of War Letters by Harry Edward Maule. book isn't available on archive.org *****EPISODE 27 1943-12-14 NBC Words At War 27 Mother America.mp3 This Episode was based on Mother America: a living story of democracy by Carlos Peña Romulo. Book at Internet archive: http://www.archive.org/details/motheramericaali006120mbp *****EPISODE 28 1943-12-21 NBC Words At War 28 Log Book.mp3 This Episode was based on Log Book by Frank Laskier. book isn't available on archive.org *****EPISODE 29 1943-12-28 NBC Words At War 29 The Ninth Commandment.mp3 This Episode was based on Thou Shalt Not Bear False Witness by Hendrik Willem van Loon from the book The Ten Commandments: Ten Short Novels of Hitler's War Against the Moral Code ed. by Armin L. Robinson. book isn't available on archive.org *****EPISODE 30 1944-01-04 NBC Words At War 30 They Shall Inherit The Earth.mp3 This Episode was based on They Shall Inherit the Earth by Otto Zoff trans. by Anne Garrison. book isn't available on archive.org *****EPISODE 31 don't have *****EPISODE 32 1944-01-18 NBC Words At War 32 War Tide.mp3 This Episode was based on War Tide: A Novel by Tai-yi Lin. book isn't available on archive.org *****EPISODE 33 1944-01-25 NBC Words At War 33 Condition Red.mp3 This Episode was based on Condition Red: Destroyer Action in the South Pacific by Frederick J. Bell. book isn't available on archive.org *****EPISODE 34 1944-02-01 NBC Words At War 34 White Brigade.mp3 This Episode was based on White Brigade by Robert Goffin. Book at Internet archive: http://archive.org/details/whitebrigade007018mbp *****EPISODE 35 1944-02-08 NBC Words At War 35 George Washington Carver.mp3 This Episode was based on the book George Washington Carver: An American Biography by Rackham Holt. book isn't available on archive.org *****EPISODE 36 1944-02-15 NBC Words At War 36 The New Sun.mp3 This Episode was based on the book The New Sun by Taro Yashima. book isn't available on archive.org *****EPISODE 37 1944-02-22 NBC Words At War 37 Assignment USA.MP3 This Episode was based on the book Assignment: U.S.A by Selden Menefee. There was a bit of a hullabaloo about this particular episode. April 15, 1944 Billboard: http://books.google.com/books?id=WwwEAAAAMBAJ&pg=PT5#v=onepage&q&f=true and Time: http://www.time.com/time/printout/0,8816,885481,00.html Book at Internet archive: http://www.archive.org/details/assignmentusa009140mbp *****EPISODE 38 don't have *****EPISODE 39 1944-03-07 NBC Words At War 39 The Weeping Wood.mp3 This Episode was based on the book The Weeping Wood by Vicki Baum. book isn't available on archive.org *****EPISODE 40 1944-03-14 NBC Words At War 40 Science At War.mp3 This Episode was based on the book Science At War by George W. Gray. book isn't available on archive.org *****EPISODE 41 1944-03-21 NBC Words At War 41 Der Fuehrer.mp3 This Episode was based on the book Der Fuehrer by Konrad Heiden. book isn't available on archive.org *****EPISODE 42 1944-03-28 NBC Words At War 42 A Bell For Adano.mp3 This Episode was based on the book A Bell For Adano by John Hersey. (won a Pulitzer) mention in Billboard http://books.google.com/books?id=UwwEAAAAMBAJ&pg=PT5&lpg=PT5#v=onepage&q&f=true book isn't available on archive.org *****EPISODE 43 don't have *****EPISODE 44 1944-04-11 NBC Words At War 44 Wild River.mp3 This Episode was based on the book Wild River by Anna Louise Strong. book isn't available on archive.org *****EPISODE 45 1944-04-18 NBC Words At War 45 Silence Of The Seas.mp3 This Episode was based on the book The Silence Of The Seas (Le Silence de la mer) by Vercors. (Jean Bruller) book isn't available on archive.org *****EPISODE 46 don't have *****EPISODE 47 1944-05-02 NBC Words At War 47 Curtain Rises.mp3 This Episode was based on the book The Curtain Rises by Quentin Reynolds. Book at Internet archive: http://archive.org/details/curtainrises035341mbp *****EPISODE 48 1944-05-09 NBC Words At War 48 Gunners Get Glory.mp3 This Episode was based on the book Gunners Get Glory: Lt. Bob Berry's story of the Navy's Armed Guard, as told to Lloyd Wendt by Lt Robert B. Berry and Lloyd Wendt. book isn't available on archive.org *****EPISODE 49 1944-05-16 NBC Words At War 49 Lifeline.mp3 This Episode was based on the book Lifeline: the Ships and Men of our Merchant Marine at War by Robert Carse. book isn't available on archive.org *****EPISODE 50 1944-05-23 NBC Words At War 50 Lend Lease Weapon For Victory.mp3 This Episode features United States Secretary of State Edward R. Stettinius, Jr. Lend Lease Weapon for Victory (1944), Army Talks Vol. II. No . 13; 29 Mar. 1944 at Internet archive: http://archive.org/details/LendLeaseWeaponForVictory *****EPISODE 51 1944-05-30 NBC Words At War 51 The Navy Hunts The CGR 3070.mp3 This Episode was based on the book The Navy Hunts The CGR 3070 (1944) by Lawrance Roger Thompson. Book at Internet archive: http://archive.org/details/navyhuntsthecgr3007323mbp *****EPISODE 52 1944-06-13 NBC Words At War D-Day 5th War Bond Drive Special.mp3 *****EPISODE 53 1944-06-28 NBC Words At War 53 Fair Stood the Wind For France.MP3 This Episode was based on the book Fair Stood the Wind For France by H. E. Bates. book isn't available on archive.org *****EPISODE 54 1944-07-04 NBC Words At War 54 War Criminals And Punishment.mp3 This Episode was based on the book War Criminals and Punishment by George Creel. book isn't available on archive.org *****EPISODE 55 1944-07-11 NBC Words At War 55 Captain Retread.mp3 This Episode was based on the book Captain Retread by Donald Hough. book isn't available on archive.org *****EPISODE 56 1944-07-18 NBC Words At War 56 War Below Zero.mp3 This Episode was based on the book War Below Zero: The Battle for Greenland by Bernt Balchen, Corey Ford, Corey, Oliver La Farge. book isn't available on archive.org *****EPISODE 57 1944-07-25 NBC Words At War 57 Lost Island.mp3 This Episode was based on the book Lost Island by James Norman Hall. book isn't available on archive.org *****EPISODE 58 1944-08-01 NBC Words At War 58 Headquarters Budapest.mp3 This Episode was based on the book Headquarters Budapest by Robert Parker. book isn't available on archive.org *****EPISODE 59 1944-08-08 NBC Words At War 59 Nazis Go Underground.mp3 This Episode was based on the book The Nazis Go Underground by Curt Riess. Book at Internet archive: http://archive.org/details/TheNazisGoUnderground *****EPISODE 60 don't have *****EPISODE 61 don't have *****EPISODE 62 1944-08-29 NBC Words At War 62 Simone.mp3 This Episode was based on the book Simone A Novel by Lion Feuchtwanger. Book at Internet archive: http://archive.org/details/simoneanovel013305mbp *****EPISODE 63 1944-09-05 NBC Words At War 63 The Veteran Comes Back.mp3 This Episode was based on the book The Veteran Comes Back by Willard Waller. Book at Internet archive: http://archive.org/details/veterancomesback00wallrich *****EPISODE 64 1944-09-12 NBC Words At War 64 One Man Air Force.mp3 This Episode was based on the book One Man Air Force by Captain Don S. Gentile, as told to Ira Wolfert. Book at Internet archive: http://archive.org/details/OneManAirForce *****EPISODE 65 don't have *****EPISODE 66 1944-09-26 NBC Words At War 66 Journey Through Chaos.mp3 This Episode was based on the book Journey Through Chaos by Agnes Meyer. book isn't available on archive.org *****EPISODE 67 1944-10-03 NBC Words At War 67 Pacific Victory 1945.mp3 This Episode was based on the book The Sea-Gull Cry by Robert Nathan. book isn't available on archive.org *****EPISODE 68 don't have *****EPISODE 69 don't have *****EPISODE 70 1944-10-23 NBC Words At War 70 Still Time To Die.mp3 This Episode was based on the book Still Time to Die by Jack Belden. book isn't available on archive.org *****EPISODE 71 don't have *****EPISODE 72 1944-11-14 NBC Words At War 72 One Damn Thing After Another.mp3 This Episode was based on the book One Damn Thing After Another: The Adventures of an Innocent Man Trapped Between Public Relations and the Axis by Tom Treanor. Tribute to fallen war correspondents book isn't available on archive.org *****EPISODE 73 1944-11-21 NBC Words At War 73 Barriers Down.mp3 This Episode was based on the book Barriers Down: Story of the News Agency Epoch by Kent Cooper. book isn't available on archive.org *****EPISODE 74 1944-11-28 NBC Words At War 74 Camp Follower.mp3 This Episode was based on the book Camp Follower by Barbara Klaw. Book Online: http://babel.hathitrust.org/cgi/pt?id=uc1.b261707 *****EPISODE 75 1944-12-05 NBC Words At War 75 The Guys On The Ground.mp3 This Episode was based on the book The Guys On The Ground by Captain Alfred Friendly, with a foreword by Major General Walter H. Frank. book isn't available on archive.org *****EPISODE 76 1944-12-12 NBC Words At War 76 Your School, Your Children.mp3 This Episode was based on the book Your School, Your Children by Marie Syrkin. book isn't available on archive.org *****EPISODE 77 1944-12-19 NBC Words At War 77 The Cross And The Arrow.mp3 This Episode was based on the book The Cross and the Arrow by Albert Maltz. book isn't available on archive.org *****EPISODE 78 1944-12-26 NBC Words At War 78 Scapegoats In History.mp3 This Episode was based on the booklet They Got the Blame: the Story of Scapegoats in History by Kenneth M. Gould and the book The History of Bigotry in The United States By Gustavus Myers Booklet online: http://babel.hathitrust.org/cgi/pt?view=image;size=100;id=wu.89096972443 Book at Internet archive: http://archive.org/details/historyofbigotry00myerrich *****EPISODE 79 1945-01-02 NBC Words At War 79 Its Always Tomorrow.mp3 This Episode was based on the book It's Always Tomorrow by Robert St. John. book isn't available on archive.org *****EPISODE 80 1945-01-09 NBC Words At War 80 Borrowed Night.mp3 This Episode was based on the book Borrowed Night by Oscar Ray. book isn't available on archive.org *****EPISODE 81 don't have *****EPISODE 82 1945-01-23 NBC Words At War 82 The Story Of A Secret State.mp3 This Episode was based on the book Story of a Secret State by Jan Karski. book isn't available on archive.org *****EPISODE 83 don't have *****EPISODE 84 1945-02-13 NBC Words At War 84 What To Do With Germany.mp3 This episode was based on What To Do With Germany by Louis Nizer. Book at Internet archive: http://archive.org/details/whattodowithgerm00nizerich *****EPISODE 85 1945-02-20 NBC Words At War 85 Battle Report Pearl Harbor To The Coral Sea.mp3 This episode was based on Battle Report: Pearl Harbor To The Coral Sea by Walter Karig and Welbourn Kelley. Book at Internet archive: http://archive.org/details/battlereportpear00kari *****EPISODE 86 1945-02-27 NBC Words At War 86 Faith of Our Fighters The Bid Was Four Hearts.mp3 This episode was based on Faith of our Fighters by Ellwood C. Nance . book isn't available on archive.org *****EPISODE 87 1945-03-06 NBC Words At War 87 The Rainbow.mp3 The Rainbow by Wanda Wasilewska translated by Edith Bone and Sonia Bleeker. Book at Internet archive (Yiddish): http://archive.org/details/nybc207229 *****EPISODE 88 1945-03-13 NBC Words At War 88 Can Do.mp3 This episode was based on Can Do! The Story Of The Seabees by William Bradford Huie with introduction by Ben Moreell. book isn't available on archive.org *****EPISODE 89 1945-03-20 NBC Words At War 89 Tomorrow Will Sing.mp3 This episode was based on Tomorrow Will Sing by Elliott Arnold. book isn't available on archive.org *****EPISODE 90 1945-03-27 NBC Words At War 90 Banshee Harvest.mp3 This episode was based on Banshee Harvest by Jim Phelan. book isn't available on archive.org *****EPISODE 91 1945-04-03 NBC Words At War 91 Full Employment In A Free Society.mp3 This episode was based on Full Employment In A Free Society by William Beveridge. book isn't available on archive.org *****EPISODE 92 1945-04-10 NBC Words At War 92 Apartment In Athens.mp3 This episode was based Apartment In Athens by Glenway Wescott. book isn't available on archive.org *****EPISODE 93 1945-04-17 NBC Words At War 93 They Left The Back Door Open.mp3 This episode was based on They Left The Back Door Open: a Chronicle of the Allied Campaign in Sicily and Italy by Lionel S. B. Shapiro. book isn't available on archive.org *****EPISODE 94 1945-04-24 NBC Words At War 94 Brave Men.mp3 This episode was based on Brave Men by Ernie Pyle. book isn't available on archive.org *****EPISODE 95 1945-05-01 NBC Words At War 95 The Hide Out.mp3 This episode was based on The Hideout by Egon Hostovsky, translated by Fern Long. book isn't available on archive.org *****EPISODE 96 1945-05-15 NBC Words At War 96 The Road To Serfdom.mp3 This episode was based on The Road to Serfdom by Friedrich A. Hayek. The St. Maurice Valley Chronicle - Mar 29, 1945 http://news.google.com/newspapers?id=pC0wAAAAIBAJ&sjid=gUEDAAAAIBAJ&pg=3599,3417315& book isn't available on archive.org *****EPISODE 97 1945-05-22 NBC Words At War 97 Wartime Racketeers.mp3 This episode was based on Wartime Racketeers by Harry Lever and Joseph Young. book isn't available on archive.org *****EPISODE 98 1945-05-29 NBC Words At War 98 Soldier To Civilian.mp3 This episode was based on the book Soldier to civilian; problems of readjustment by George K. Pratt & Forward by George S. Stevenson. Book online: http://babel.hathitrust.org/cgi/pt?id=mdp.39015002971268 *****EPISODE 99 1945-06-05 NBC Words At War 99 My Country A Poem of America.mp3 This Episode was based on the poem My Country by Russell Davenport. Nov 27, 1944 issue of Life: http://books.google.com/books?id=2UEEAAAAMBAJ&pg=PA83&lpg=PA83v=onepage&q&f=false book isn't available on archive.org *****
This recording is part of the Old Time Radio collection.
Books in wartime

WW II radio history guy
I love this series. I noticed that it was aired in cooperation of the Council of Books in Wartime. That poses a lot of questions for me. I wonder if all book publications were reviewed by the government and any that were critical to our war effort and our allies were not published. Freedom of speech was shut down during WW II.
very happy

I am 33 and falln once again inlove with otr...i am on my 30th episode now...grew up with out tv and spent my night scanning the AM dial looking for otr...i am so glad they are orginized and free to listen to on my phone at work. Thank you for uploading...any idea where i can get more like this?

These are great shows; thank you for posting them. If you would like more, I found the Static of the Mind website, and they have 89 of the 95 existing eps.
Missing files

Thanks-I have eps 65-68-69-71-81. I'll be happy to send them to you if I know how. regards, L.Wagner
Very much enjoyed the presentations.

Art Phelps
Makes me realize how patriotic citizens must have been during this time!

lewagner - thanks you can email me at jilly9 @ gmail.com
Wonderful Series

Thanks for posting. These are great!