
Read by Killian McRae

(4.4 stars; 75 reviews)

The only way to save the future is to decode the past. The only way to decode the past is to save the future.

Archaeologist Sheppard Smyth has staked his career and the honorable memory of his wife and partner on proving his widely panned theory: Cleopatra VII, the last sovereign pharaoh of Egypt, was not a victim of suicide as history suggests, but of a well-concealed murder.

When a statue of the doomed Queen is unearthed in a pre-Columbian excavation site in Mexico, Shep rushes to investigate and, hopefully, find the proof that has evaded him for so long. The statue, however, is only the first clue suggesting a mysterious connection between Mesopotamia and Mesoamerica, and possibly - beyond.

Suddenly thrust into the heated rivalry between sexy and enigmatic antiquities thief Victoria Kent and the infamous Russian mafioso Dmitri Kronastia, Shep finds himself a common pawn played by forces working to see out a quest older than the pyramids and cloaked in the Mayan Doomsday prophecy of 12.21.12.

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12.21.12 01 Read by Killian McRae
12.21.12 02 Read by Killian McRae
12.21.12 03 Read by Killian McRae
12.21.12 04 Read by Killian McRae
12.21.12 05 Read by Killian McRae
12.21.12 06 Read by Killian McRae
12.21.12 07 Read by Killian McRae
12.21.12 08 Read by Killian McRae
12.21.12 09 Read by Killian McRae
12.21.12 10 Read by Killian McRae
12.21.12 11 Read by Killian McRae
12.21.12 12 Read by Killian McRae
12.21.12 13 Read by Killian McRae
12.21.12 14 Read by Killian McRae
12.21.12 15 Read by Killian McRae
12.21.12 16 Read by Killian McRae
12.21.12 17 Read by Killian McRae
12.21.12 18 Read by Killian McRae
12.21.12 19 Read by Killian McRae
12.21.12 20 Read by Killian McRae
12.21.12 21 Read by Killian McRae
12.21.12 22 Read by Killian McRae


excellent well rounded with a hint of mixed spice

(5 stars)


(4.5 stars)

Well done, loved the twists.

(0 stars)

Half a dozen episodes in and hooked - well pretty much hooked after the first one! intriguing concept, hadn't read too far into the introduction so the clever twist was unexpected when it popped up. There are probably a lot of good stories that I should have listed to but ...

(0 stars)

By the third episode I was thoroughly captured. As a long time avid reader I have been blessed, or cursed, with the ability to remember the 3 – 4 weekly books for the last 51 years. I won’t repeat what others have so aptly quantified and celebrated in the earlier ...

(0 stars)

I enjoyed this book very much. 3 days is all it took to finish it actually I was hoping there would be a follow up book I could start on, but I there doesn't seem to be one. I look forward to seeing more from this author I don't see ...

(0 stars)

I generally don't respond to negative comments on my work. I view it as a right of the reader to hold whatever opinion they may. However, as this one seems to imply a slight which I feel is not due me, I'd like to address it directly. It was never ...

(0 stars)

Loving the book! Anyone know which song is used for the intros? I know its by Kevin Macleod and I visited his website but... WOW he's got a lot of music on there, really good stuff too. I know it's mentioned after each episode, but I don't recall hearing the ...

(0 stars)

Re: Nyemady (that doesn't sound "white") Dude reality check It's Science Fiction And if it wasn't You just proved the point of ethnicities worldwide You are an alien blue/green eyed demon from somewhere else. Is that right? Then you should go back there We are all from here You are ...