Kittyboy's Christmas
Amy Ella Blanchard
Read by Lynne T

Is Santa Claus real? Six year old Elinor thinks so as she sends her letter, and persuades her friend Bill to do likewise. On the other side of town, a stray kitten adopts a lonely bachelor. As the two worlds come together, the magic of Christmas is kept alive for all ages in this heart-warming tale.( Lynne Thompson) (1 hr 0 min)
Chapter I | 12:45 | Read by Lynne T |
Chapter II | 14:13 | Read by Lynne T |
Chapter III | 12:06 | Read by Lynne T |
Chapter IV | 10:25 | Read by Lynne T |
Chapter V | 11:17 | Read by Lynne T |
Simple Sweet and Well Read

Lynne T always does a good job, Five stars for her. This is a simple and sweet little tale, as if a Christmas Carol by Dickens was mixed with the screen play of the movie “Miracle on 34th Street.”
Cute little Christmas Story

A delightful little story about the love and goodwill of Christmas. Clearly and well read.
good book

JackiLyn Friesen
a sweet little story... and read by one of my favorite readers