Celebrated Crimes, Vol. 5: Part 1: Desrues
Alexandre Dumas
Read by John Van Stan

This story chronicles the crimes of Antoine-Francois Desrues (also called "Derues") from his childhood to his execution. Desrues constructed the veneer of a virtuous reputation that hid his ever-increasing deviancy from society. Eventually, his lust for fame and fortune (especially the latter) crumbled his virtuous veneer, revealing the startling extent of his crimes, and condemning him to justice by the executioner's hand. - Summary by jvanstan (4 hr 24 min)
Section 1 | 38:17 | Read by John Van Stan |
Section 2 | 35:26 | Read by John Van Stan |
Section 3 | 44:00 | Read by John Van Stan |
Section 4 | 31:35 | Read by John Van Stan |
Section 5 | 43:31 | Read by John Van Stan |
Section 6 | 49:18 | Read by John Van Stan |
Section 7 | 22:10 | Read by John Van Stan |

A history of the vilest proportions. Thanks to Dumas for recording it for us. Desires would make a successful modern politician.