Honor God's Gift of Marriage -- Genesis 2:18-24

(4.9 stars; 4 reviews)

Marriage is God's wonderful gift. But we see it under attack more and more. How can we defend and honor his gift of marriage? Parts: A. God established marriage according to his design. B. Marriage is attacked by the world and our own sinfulness. C. Your Bridegroom has given you his wedding gown. Remain faithful to him. D. Uphold marriage by carrying out your god-given roles as Christian, citizen, and family member. Preached on October 14, 2012, for the Twentieth Sunday after Pentecost, at St. John's Ev. Lutheran Church (WELS), Hancock, MN. Print copy at http://hancocklutheran.org/sermons/Honor-God_s-Gift-of-Marriage-Genesis2_18-24.html



God's Gift of Marriage

(5 stars)

Marriage is SACRED,whatever changes the enemies of family and GOD tries to make,it matters not