Suspense: Sorry, Wrong Number (West Coast) 05-25-1943

Just a cleared up audio edition of Suspense: Sorry Wrong Number as shared on thegaminggang.com.
This recording is part of the Old Time Radio collection.
Sorry Wrong Number West Coast | 29:47 |
The 'correct' ending!

It's amazing how many people post the very first (east coast) broadcast that contains the (unfortunate) line miscue without giving it a thought, confusing modern day first time listeners . . which just confirms one of my frustrations . . . and that is far too many people doing "mass uplaods" (or dumping) of Suspense, uploading hundreds of episodes they've never even listened to. Slowly and little by little I'm trying to remidy that by working on my own channel. One by one, Im uploading only the best episodes in the best quality audio available. I hope to draw new listeners and long time lovers of Suspense. A few years ago I bought the complete set and I've listened to each and every episode multiple times, screening them for quality and to become famliar with each story. I won't abuse this space by naming or promting my channel, you'll have to find it. I can only mention that it shares the name of the "other" most popular radio series. I also thank you for cleaning up and providing the "second original" broadcast of Sorry Wrong Number, and I thank the Archives for providing this space.