Nazi Eyes on Canada By Alan King
Starring: Orson Welles Vincent Price Helen Hayes Judith Evelyn From the West, from the East, the war draws near to Canadian shores. Canada is saying goodbye to her sons who are off to serve in allparts of the world. Taxes, the restrictions on unessential services, and the re-allocation of man power bring the war into the life of every Canadian. But Canadians are still living in relative luxury, and they still hold fast to the greatest of blessings - freedom. "Nazi Eyes on Canada" shows how all this would have changed in the Nazi lust for power on the North American continent had been fulfilled. A Nazi Spy, alias Colin Ross, traveled throughout Canada in the 1930s reporting back to his Nazi superiors on strategic Canadian locations that would enable a North American invasion. Based on Ross' reports, "Nazi Eyes on Canada" brings the Nazi vision for North American domination to life. W.L. Mackenzie King, then Prime Minister of Canada, delivered a national address on the CBC a week before the first of these radio plays was aired.
This recording is part of the Old Time Radio collection.