Ἀπολογία Σωκράτους (The Apology of Socrates in Ancient Greek)
Read by zaaf

Ο Πλάτωνας ήταν σπουδαίος Έλληνας φιλόσοφος και συγγραφέας (427 π.Χ. - 347 π.Χ.), ο γνωστότερος μαθητής του Σωκράτη. Ο Πλάτων έγραψε την Απολογία του Σωκράτους, που θεωρείται ως μια σχετικά ακριβής καταγραφή της απολογίας του Σωκράτη στη δίκη που τον καταδίκασε σε θάνατο. (Summary by Wikipedia)
The Apology is Plato's version of the speech delivered by Socrates before the Athenian people in his defence against charges of impiety and of misleading others, which ended in his condemnation and death in 399 BC. It is the earliest and most eloquent expression of what has been termed 'philosophical faith', as that love and search for truth which gives meaning to life and trust in the face of death. (Summary by zaaf) (1 hr 30 min)
01 - Chapters I - X | 24:43 | Read by zaaf |
02 - Chapters XI - XV | 14:26 | Read by zaaf |
03 - Chapters XVI - XVIII | 13:32 | Read by zaaf |
04 - Chapters XIX - XXIV | 15:52 | Read by zaaf |
05 - Chapters XXV - XXVIII | 8:55 | Read by zaaf |
06 - Chapters XXIX - XXXIII | 13:24 | Read by zaaf |

Mike L
He is reading the text in a phonological & tonal reconstruction of the Ancient language, not the ancient text read with modern Greek phonology. Therefore, the accent is fine, I even appreciate the attempt at tones. This is how Smythe and Goodwin taught us non-native Greek learners that it was supposed to sound like.

A LibriVox Listener
narrator is not greek and his attempt to read the ancient text is really bad..sorry
Decent job with the reading.

Whether or not he is a Greek makes minimal difference. Modern Greek is similar to Ancient Greek in some ways, but there are some major differences. His reading reflects that scholarly observation. The narrator reads quickly, so newer listeners might want to slow it down a little. If you’re a more experienced scholar, it’s a good resource to familiarize yourself with the Apology. Criticisms of pronunciation aren’t that big a deal. It seems sometimes the narrator uses a more modern pronunciation of vowels, but his accentuation seems correct and if you’re reading along with his narration the change in vowel pronunciation won’t be that troublesome.


I am german, and i am from europe, i know greek people and they do not talk like THIS at all. Sounds like a total different language. Ich am auch in Deutscland, und ich am Euröch, ich taipe ein richgtig Gruch pepolon sprache lüch DER auch allte. Thats German. Deutsch. Why is Euaa not speaking in Greek, if he says he is from Greece!!!!!
Should be deleted

As Greek, the narration looks like a portuguese trying to speak Greek...

well i am from Greece and I know