The Inventions of the Idiot (dramatic reading)
John Kendrick Bangs
Read by LibriVox Volunteers

"It was before the Idiot's marriage, and in the days when he was nothing more than a plain boarder in Mrs. Smithers-Pedagog's High-class Home for Single Gentlemen, that he put what the School-master termed his "alleged mind" on plans for the amelioration of the condition of the civilized." This humorous story by the editor of Puck magazine describes how the Idiot sets out to improve the lot of civilized man through his inventions - the lot of barbarian man already being well tended to by missionaries and other do-gooders. (Introduction by peac)
Narrator: peac
The Idiot: Algy Pug
Mrs. Smithers Pedagog: TriciaG
Mr. Pedagog (aka The Schoolmaster): Adam Bratcher
The Doctor: Raken
Bibliomaniac: Availle
Mr. Poet:Matthew Reece
Mr. Whitechoker: Aidan Brack
The Genial Old Gentleman who sometimes imbibed: om123 (2 hr 37 min)
Dramatis Personae | 0:59 | Read by LibriVox Volunteers |
Chapter I: The Culinary Guild | 12:15 | Read by LibriVox Volunteers |
Chapter II: A Suggestion for the Cable-cars | 13:08 | Read by LibriVox Volunteers |
Chapter III: The Transatlantic Trolley Company | 13:41 | Read by LibriVox Volunteers |
Chapter IV: The Incorporation of the Idiot | 14:14 | Read by LibriVox Volunteers |
Chapter V: University Extension | 12:41 | Read by LibriVox Volunteers |
Chapter VI: Social Expansion | 14:27 | Read by LibriVox Volunteers |
Chapter VII: A Beggar's Hand-book | 14:04 | Read by LibriVox Volunteers |
Chapter VIII: Progressive Waffles | 12:18 | Read by LibriVox Volunteers |
Chapter IX: A Clearing-house for Poets | 12:43 | Read by LibriVox Volunteers |
Chapter X: Some Electrical Suggestions | 13:29 | Read by LibriVox Volunteers |
Chapter XI: Concerning Children | 11:40 | Read by LibriVox Volunteers |
Chapter XII: Dreamaline | 12:15 | Read by LibriVox Volunteers |
Mr. Idiot

Mr Idiot being the Idiot and giving his self opinions on all things.and what he feels will improve life. Great job by.each reader reading the part of one the table in house he resides in. I like the Mr Idiot series and enjoyed this. Thanks to all the readers great job
Why Do They Let Her Talk?

It was funny. Like reading sketch comedy. Entertaining, but not a lot. But the voice performances sucked. Especially the wife. Can't remember her name. The same lady read for Hound of the Baskervilles. Enough to make you wanna shove a pencil in your ear.
The idiot

I really enjoyed this and Algy Pug is really a great Idiot! Found this full of many chuckles.

Karen Nevins
Half the readers cannot be understood even just to introduce their characters and themselves. The ones who can be understand beyonf the introduction are terrible in their own right.
Good story

A LibriVox Listener
some character readings were poor quality but, overall a very enjoyable story.
more idiocy

Well read, with some great ideas... who couldn't love progressive waffles?

Avid Listener
Doing it with character readers helped.