Tip Lewis and His Lamp
Read by TriciaG
Tip Lewis is a mischievous, unpromising scamp. One Sunday, a visiting Sunday school teacher tells his mission class how her minister had grown up in similarly bad circumstances, but had decided to follow God and had never regretted it. Tip decides to try to BE somebody, like that minister did. He is given a Bible - his lamp - to use as a guide, and from there, his life begins to change. (Introduction by TriciaG) (5 hr 9 min)
This is a very hard book to rate, and at one point I was about to give up on it, I'm glad I persisted with it, as though I found it challenging in many regards, I did benefit from reading it. While I believe it was originally intended to be a children's book, I'm very glad that I didnât read it as a child. The Christianity in this book is rather rigid, and at times legalistic. Had I read it as a child it would have been a huge stumbling block to me. So I would suggest that if parents give this to their children to read/listen to, that they either experience it together, or they make it a topic of conversation. While the book's Christianity is deeply sincere, the cultural changes since it's writing, and certain theological issues warrant parental guidance. I listened to the Librivox audiobook, and while I appreciate the narrator's efforts I did not find her enjoyable to listen to.
Uplifting but with a few concerns
In this book, salvation seems to boil down to reformation with Christ’s help. Instead of simply believing that Christ paid the penalty of our sins when he died on the cross. His death is barely mentioned and is not central, as it should be. And spiritual growth seems to boil down to “trying” and asking for Christ’s help, instead of Christ’s life being lived out through us as we depend on Him. Nonetheless, there is great earnestness for Christ, believable struggles with biblical answers for each one, and great emphasis on prayer. This book will call you to a greater dependence on the word of God and a higher level of prayer, if you let it. I just love Patricia G as a reader. Can’t imagine why another reviewer disliked her.
A true-hearted Christian story
Although (I being English) it took me a while to get accustomed to TriciaG's speaking cadence, the story is worth it: A teenaged boy with neither prospects nor ambition finds in himself a surprising desire to be more than people think he is. He becomes a Christian by choice, and the Bible lights his way, step by step, through personality failures and a reputation to live down, as he matures into responsible adulthood. Pansy had the ability to write about all classes of the society around her from 1850 the early 1920s, always presenting a positive role model in development. There are often aspects of a character or their troubles I can trace in my own life.
Very Enjoyable! Five stars!
A LibriVox Listener
Can't ever get the 5th star to work! Thoroughly enjoyed this book! Very great story and wonderful reader! Thank you! I think this book will bless you as it did me, I stayed up all night to hear the rest!
Other Times, Other Ways
Earlier reviewers have been troubled by some aspects of this book. I don't find it intolerant, just a product of its time and place. The theology is basic mainstream Protestant, with an emphasis on personal faith and God's forgiveness.
Another great Pansy story
Wendy Mathieu
A good reminder of the difference it makes when you pray for people and take opportunity to talk to them about Christ. As a Sunday school teacher, I found this very encouraging. Thanks to Tricia G for reading!
Thy Word is a Lamp Unto My Feet
It was a harsh world, especially before Tip gets his lamp. I'm inspired by this story to always go to my bible for answers. It's all there.
Heidi Stoltzfoos
I love this story even though it’s old-fashioned: it brings out a really good point… you never know when we teach God’s word, how God can use it!