Divine Healing
Andrew Murray
Read by Christopher Smith

Andrew Murray’s practical and devotional writings on the Bible have been a help and blessing to Christian believers for more than a century. In this powerfully written book, Murray takes up the subject of healing as revealed in Scripture, showing how the work of Jesus Christ embraces not only pardon for sin but also healing from sickness. (Summary by Christopher Smith) (3 hr 42 min)
00 - Preface | 1:07 | Read by Christopher Smith |
01 - Pardon and Healing | 6:51 | Read by Christopher Smith |
02 - Because of Your Unbelief | 7:09 | Read by Christopher Smith |
03 - Jesus and the Doctors | 5:59 | Read by Christopher Smith |
04 - Health and Salvation in the Name of Jesus | 5:53 | Read by Christopher Smith |
05 - Not by Our Own Power | 6:13 | Read by Christopher Smith |
06 - According to the Measure of Faith | 6:23 | Read by Christopher Smith |
07 - The Way of Faith | 6:11 | Read by Christopher Smith |
08 - Your Body is the Temple of the Holy Ghost | 6:25 | Read by Christopher Smith |
09 - The Body for the Lord | 6:04 | Read by Christopher Smith |
10 - The Lord for the Body | 5:57 | Read by Christopher Smith |
11 - Do Not Consider Your Body | 5:21 | Read by Christopher Smith |
12 - Discipline and Sanctification | 6:43 | Read by Christopher Smith |
13 - Sickness and Death | 5:29 | Read by Christopher Smith |
14 - The Holy Spirit the Spirit of Healing | 5:06 | Read by Christopher Smith |
15 - Persevering Prayer | 6:08 | Read by Christopher Smith |
16 - Let Him that is Healed Glorify God | 5:28 | Read by Christopher Smith |
17 - The Need of a Manifestation of God's Power | 5:11 | Read by Christopher Smith |
18 - Sin and Sickness | 5:11 | Read by Christopher Smith |
19 - Jesus Bore Our Sicknesses | 6:10 | Read by Christopher Smith |
20 - Is Sickness a Chatisement? | 6:01 | Read by Christopher Smith |
21 - God's Prescription for the Sick | 5:12 | Read by Christopher Smith |
22 - The Lord that Healeth Thee | 5:55 | Read by Christopher Smith |
23 - Jesus Heals the Sick | 5:40 | Read by Christopher Smith |
24 - Fervent and Effectual Prayer | 6:31 | Read by Christopher Smith |
25 - Intercessory Prayer | 5:16 | Read by Christopher Smith |
26 - The Will of God | 6:24 | Read by Christopher Smith |
27 - The Lord's Healing | 6:45 | Read by Christopher Smith |
28 - Obedience and Health | 6:51 | Read by Christopher Smith |
29 - Job's Sickness and Healing | 6:42 | Read by Christopher Smith |
30 - The Prayer of Faith | 6:03 | Read by Christopher Smith |
31 - Anointing in the Name of the Lord | 5:08 | Read by Christopher Smith |
32 - Full Salvation Our Privilege | 14:29 | Read by Christopher Smith |
33 - Ye are the Branches | 20:35 | Read by Christopher Smith |
another Murray gem

This author's books are a real blessing and so helpful in our day to day walk with Christ. This one has added meaning for me because I 100% know Christ put my lung cancer in remission. As I listened to this wonderful book so many of my own thougjts came back to me. Thanks for this awesome book and reading by Christopher Smith, reader of many of Andrew Murray's books.
Divine Healing

My God, what a blessing this book has been and is to me. My entire Christian walk and understanding has been enlighten. I recommend every believer read this. I'm starting the book back over for myself.

Eddie Waldheim
This seems an excellent treatise on the healing power of God which the author contends that is both real and readily available to the committed believer. In this work, Mr. Murray shares numerous Biblical passages that speak of the healing power of God and the instructions that Christ's followers are to not only seek healing for their illnesses and the illnesses of others ,but are also to expect it in most circumstances. Mr. Murray takes the reader through many passages and builds
Worth a Listen

But know the Scripture well so you are able to chew the meat and spit out the bones. Some of the human logic he uses to interpret would be the same logic someone with a different objective would use to refute. Again, worth listening and wrestling with but know your Bible and the God of it so you’re not thrown into distracting confusion chasing after healing for your temporal comforts sake. Healing— when God does, when He doesn’t, why sickness comes, why it doesn’t is revealing about God himself. What He promises, when, to whom, are always about the One making the promise and for that One’s great eternal purposes and eternal glory. Healing is not about us, but about the Healer. I love Andrew Murray’s works too, esp on Abiding in Christ. The reader was fantastic!

Hector Mendoza
This was a great book worth your time to listen. It took me 6 hours to listen to the whole book.

A LibriVox Listener
I like the reader. the book begins on chap 7. I've missed the first 6 chapters
This book is so helpful

Karen Bromberg
The book is such a blessing and the reader is amazing!

little elf
A great read! I feel closer to Jesus after this book. I will read again!