Read by TriciaG

Twenty-seven year old Rebecca Meredith feels out of place and unwanted. She has lost her mother, brother, and idolized little sister to the grave. Her beau suddenly and without warning marries someone else. And her father has brought home a new wife. The new Mrs. Meredith tries to befriend Rebecca, but Rebecca feels pushed out. She moves to another city and tries to earn her own way, finding her way into the McKenzie house as the nurse-girl to the baby of the family, who reminds her so much of her own late sister. However, she hates how Mr. McKenzie is cold and unfeeling toward his invalid wife. But there is a secret family tragedy that, when revealed, shows Rebecca how wrong she has been about herself, her family, the McKenzies, and Jesus Christ ... and shows her just how much she is wanted, after all. - Summary by TriciaG (8 hr 44 min)
Torn Heartstrings | 20:59 | Read by TriciaG |
Out in the World | 19:58 | Read by TriciaG |
Business Changes | 18:26 | Read by TriciaG |
Under Orders | 18:05 | Read by TriciaG |
Bewilderment | 17:35 | Read by TriciaG |
Looking Backward | 18:38 | Read by TriciaG |
Wasting Sympathy | 17:28 | Read by TriciaG |
Poor Rebecca | 19:36 | Read by TriciaG |
Vital Questions | 18:57 | Read by TriciaG |
Rebelliion | 18:19 | Read by TriciaG |
Unrest | 19:59 | Read by TriciaG |
Trusted | 18:23 | Read by TriciaG |
Suspense and Bewilderment | 17:51 | Read by TriciaG |
Revelations and Decisions | 18:55 | Read by TriciaG |
The Truth | 18:55 | Read by TriciaG |
Waiting | 18:34 | Read by TriciaG |
Life and Death | 19:09 | Read by TriciaG |
Responsibility | 19:07 | Read by TriciaG |
Obligations | 20:44 | Read by TriciaG |
Possibilities | 19:31 | Read by TriciaG |
A Gleam of Gold | 21:06 | Read by TriciaG |
A Change of Base | 20:01 | Read by TriciaG |
Progression | 19:02 | Read by TriciaG |
Reading Between the Lines | 19:55 | Read by TriciaG |
Invitations | 21:54 | Read by TriciaG |
Logical Conclusions | 21:15 | Read by TriciaG |
Wanted at Home | 21:44 | Read by TriciaG |

A LibriVox Listener
Amazing how these Pansy writings minister deeply to one's soul. God knew i needed to listen to this particular one, and just right now. I'm grateful for impactful and sound Christian writers like Isabella M A.

Rebecca can take only so many hits from life: between ages 18 and 27 she is jilted, her younger brother dies, her older brother moves to India, her mother dies leaving her the primary caregiver of a baby sister, her father shows up one day with a "new mother", and finally her baby sister dies. Is it any wonder that her home is no longer a comfortable place to live? Why is her father surprised that she needs a complete change of scenery? So she finds a job caring for a little girl and hopes for peace and healing, only to end up hip deep in another family's dysfunctional drama. She learns to trust God and depend on him, and is transformed from a bitter, angry person into someone who can care.

Julika Rose
i have wanted to read this book, but have had a hard time with the intonation of this reader. She keeps going up at the end of every word. Likewise I have not been able to find the text online. Is there anybody who knows where there is a good download for this book? I have tried the ones I could find, but they could not be opned or read on my phone.
a lesson on patience

GM Jones
of course it's a wonderful work. Trisha is reading Pansy. i have listened to this one many times- the most recent being 5/22. Themes in this book are just a relatable today. the overarching theme is God's transformational, steadfast love as demonstrated by the love of a step parent. When we come to know Jesus as our Saviour, we are adopted into a blended family. :-)
Unusual, interesting and satisfying

Michelle Fearn
A girl discovers the power of faith over circumstance, responsibility over victimhood. Her choices for God and the good have a ripple effect on everyone around her. Interesting how this book from an earlier time speaks to some very current issues. My first Pansy read.
Another WONDERFUL story by Pansy and again great Reading

Thanks to all who help make these beautiful books available to this generation. So needed.. they are like having true Christian examples as friends.

Elizabeth Williams
Tricia G doesn’t do a very good job at the narration, but the story is well-done. Our world needs more people willing to give themselves for the service of Christ.
Good! Great! Grand!

reader family
Great story with a hint of mystery. Thank you for reading Tricia!