1941 Radio News
WA4CZD and P. G. Wodehouse

News from 1941. I usually share these via torrent but I don't think all these files are available on archive.org so here's a 1941 news file dump. Any typo or error is mine.
This recording is part of the Old Time Radio collection.
Thank you so much for archiving!

I agree with previous comments. First, if we squash learning the full history, we will make the same mistakes again. It WILL happen and is happening even now. Second, people do need to understand the importance of radio. We are now so used to instant news, kids today need to learn that radio changed how news was done. It was the first step toward instant news. Finally, these broadcasts are simply interesting. I try to imagine how people felt when they heard about Pearl Harbor. It was like 9/11 for them. Next year, there will be young adults who were born after 9/11. Already there are young adults who don't remember 9/11 as they were too young. It's so important that we educate these young people about shock, horror and what war really means.
Time Travel with LibriVox

Doing a little time travel with LibriVOX to December 7, 1941, when amongst the network war news was good old KIRO, the Seattle CBS station, teaching listeners how and how not to get ready for war, starting with preparing to keep the whole west coast dark each night to foil the enemy . Really added to the immediacy to hear other than the big famous broadcasts. thanks for all the trouble you went to, wonderful LibriVOX volunteer WA4CZD! You have the right stuff! I don't know what torrent is, have to check it out\some kind of news archive?
Good Audio History

To WA4CZD I say Thank You very much for putting this collection of News and radio broadcasts together from the time before the U.S entry to the entry into the war. If we could use these shows in our schools it would help to educate students on how important radio was in bringing information to the peoples attention during the war years.
Historical value

By hearing the actual news of the era (WWII) it makes that time period more immediate for those of us who didn't grow up in the 1940s. It's important that we learn history from the source because without history we will make the same mistakes again and again and again. . .
1999417 Radio News

Yes Thank you for this rare glimpse into 1941. Truly traveling back in time. I like to call it Radio Archeology!!!!!
the report ordering black out

The report ordering blackout across the West coast was just plane creepy. I can’t imagine going though that.