Afloat with Henry Morgan - Single Episodes
Old Time Radio Researchers Group

Afloat with Henry Morgan was an 52 episode Australian series from, it is generally thought - 1933. Each episode was about 12 minutes long and the series was probably aimed at the youth market. It is not to be confused with the US show - 'The Henry Morgan Show'. It was produced by and starred George Edwards, who also produced Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde, Frankenstein, Corsican Brothers, and Son of Porthos, all Australian series as well. We believe that Maurice Francis, an enthusiastic writer, and Nell Sterling, two of George Edwards long-time collaborators, were also featured in 'Afloat With Henry Morgan'. To save money, Edwards played a variety of different roles and became known as 'the Man With A Thousand Voices'. It was a ventriloquial gift that encompassed small children, every variety of male voice, aged women, and foreigners. The maximum number of voices Edwards produced for a single scene was six; in the course of a single episode he would often double it. Information for this series brief came from, 'The Australian Dictionary of Biography Online', and Ian Grieve. From the Old Time Radio Researcher's Group. See "Note" Section below for more information on the OTRR.
This recording is part of the Old Time Radio collection.
George Edwards, Henry Morgan and Dad.

The review of "Afloat with Henry Morgan" and, in particular, reference to the important part played by George Edwards (born Harold Parks) in Australian radio drama in the 30s, 40s & 50s, is correct. However, let me add two things: 1) Mention is made in the review of Nell Stirling (nee Helen Dorthy Malgrom). She was the third wife of George Edwards, well known ladies' man. Her distinct voice is heard in "Afloat with Henry Morgan". (Edwards' fourth wife Carol Lansbury later married Bruce Turnbull. Their son, Malcolm Turnbull, was born a little before the marriage. Malcolm Turnbull is now one of Australia's wealthiest men and currently [2012] a front-bencher in Australia's Federal Liberal Opposition. He is possibly a future Australian Prime Minister.) 2) Your review does not actually mention Edward's most famous radio serial "Dad and Dave" which was iconic on Australian radio for over 30 years, and is still played from time too time on nostalgia programs. Episodes can be downloaded on Old Time Radio.