American History Through The Eyes Of Radio - Single Episodes
Old Time Radio Researchers Group

Through the magic of radio this unique collection of shows captures American History like no other medium can. From dramatizations of events prior to the formation of the United States and our fight for freedom from England through manifest destiny and our push to the Pacific Ocean. From live radio broadcasts of a date which will live in infamy to the resignation of a defeated and humiliated President and so much more. These shows will offer hours of entertainment bringing our early history alive and remind of us what it was like to be glued to our radios before we were glued to 24 hour news channels and instant access internet connections. From the Old Time Radio Researcher's Group. See "Note" Section below for more information on the OTRR.
This recording is part of the Old Time Radio collection.
The History of Jim Jones

Canadian radio special report uses original audio recordings and connecting narrative. Exmines the Peoples Temple, the Jonestown massacre and the last few years of the life of Jim Jones. The production really pulled me into the story. Listening enjoyment might be dependent on the listener having at least some basic knowledge of Jones and the Temple. Check the <a href="" rel="nofollow">Jim Jones Wiki</a> for some background info if you didn't live through the news stories. Chilling
A good audio history

Some of the recordings are current but most I've listened too are actual sound recordings as they happened giving us a verbal history. I had no idea that Theodore Roosevelt had made wire recorded speeches, to hear Harding,Taft,and others from the early years of the 20th century is a way of keeping history alive for everyone during our 21st century.
very original love the fact how true america was number one.

american history thru the eyes of the radio

Raycyst but important
The Communistic national Socialist Gay Homophobe

These stories reflect a time when the national myth was much different. At the time these stories were written, progress and nationalism were un-ironically applauded. Science and industry were considered to be beneficial. That is why one of the largest corporations of the USA, Dupont, produced some of these despicable programs. Today, we correctly understand that America is evil and all progress built on the dead bodies of Non-binary LatinX African Americans. We need to thank our media who have corrected out national myth. No longer does the USA export steel to the world. Instead we export homosexuality and corporate fuedalism. It is all because out national myth has rightfully been replaced by wokeism. Congratulations to the new world order. Dupont no longer produces great chemistry, but it does study how chemistry adversely harms communities of African American descent. America is raycyst and must be destroyed. With the help of our politicians and media it will be
I really like these programs

They're great for learning and these are entertaining as well. The acting that went into it is really something. What impressed upon me the most was the music in the shows: radio programs had orchestras for the music, and they were top-notch musicians. I don't believe even universities or pro orchestra players are as good as they were before. Lots of good brushing up on history and many nuggets not previously known. Audio quality very good, there was one program where there was quite a bit of interference but it was still listenable.
Potential Dates
Eve Arden's BFF

Episode 2 mentions the 1937 census and Episode 8 refers to Mother's Day being "next Sunday, May 10th" which lines up with 1936. If the numbering on these tracks is accurate, these episodes begin in March 1936. Dunning lists this show as broadcasting on Wednesday nights before 1938, so the first track here is from March 25th 1936.
A Fantastic Resource

Kudos to those who recorded and sorted these news and features from USA history. Students, teachers, researchers, and anyone interested should make note of these. Just amazing amount of work went into this collection. Thanks !!