Speaking of Liberty

Speaking of Liberty was sponsored by the Council on Democracy & broadcast by the NBC Red network. Rex Stout hosted a variety of guests who were "speaking of liberty." There was a first series of shows & the audience response was so positive, the show returned for "Round 2." There are a lot of typos and misinformation out there regarding the guests on these shows; hopefully this will clear things up: 01 Carl Van Doren Historian & author (& Uncle of infamous 1950's quiz show contestant Charles Van Doren) speaks about the American Revolution. He wrote several books, including "Secret history of the American Revolution : an account of the conspiracies of Benedict Arnold and numerous others, drawn from the Secret Service papers of the British headquarters in North America, now for the first time examined and made public" (whew) in 1941: http://archive.org/details/secrethistoryofa00vand 02 Edmond Taylor Foreign correspondent & author speaks about the effects of propaganda. His 1940 book, Strategy of Terror, showed how the Nazis used psychological warfare to crush their enemies: http://archive.org/details/strategyofterror010789mbp 03 Clifton Fadiman Host of "Information, Please" and book reviewer speaks about Fascists & Communism and "the party line" & how that contrasts with Democracy. Archive.org has several of his E-books: http://archive.org/search.php?query=Clifton%20Fadiman%20AND%20mediatype%3Atexts 04 Lin Yutang Chinese Hardvard-educated academic and author talks about "the Chinese Character" and Democracy. Archive.org has several of his E-books: http://archive.org/search.php?query=yutang%20lin%20AND%20mediatype%3Atexts 05 Fannie Hurst Novelist and short-story writer talks about Democracy by conjuring up a fictional dystopia. Archive.org has several of her E-books: http://archive.org/search.php?query=Fannie%20Hurst%20AND%20mediatype%3Atexts 06 Pierre Van Paassen Dutch journalist and novelist talks about Democracy and "the last Great Battle of the West." Archive.org has several of his E-books: http://archive.org/search.php?query=Pierre%20Van%20Paassen 07 Louis Adamic Yugoslavian author and editor of talks about "the Dream that is America." Archive.org has several of his E-books: http://archive.org/search.php?query=Louis%20Adamic 08 Herbert Agar Newspaper editor and journalist (also associated with Vanderbilt University's Southern Agrarian poetry movement) speaks about newspapers and Democracy and the rights of "The Press." Archive.org has several of his E-books: http://archive.org/search.php?query=herbert%20agar 09 Max Eastman Journalist, poet and Communist-turned-Libertarian speaks about Germany and Democracy and Tyranny. Archive.org has several of his E-books: http://archive.org/search.php?query=Max%20Eastman%20AND%20mediatype%3Atexts 10 Alexander Woollcott Critic, Algonquin Round Table wit, and apocryphal inspiration for the character "Nero Wolfe" talks about the enlisted man and liberty. Archive.org has several of his E-books: http://archive.org/search.php?query=Alexander%20Woollcott 11 Florence Jaffray Harriman Suffragist, diplomat & author speaks about Norway and the Nazis. Archive.org only has this book (one of the first on Aushwitz), with her Foreword: http://archive.org/details/OswiecimCampOfDeath 12 Eve Curie Author, member of the the Free French Forces, and exiled French citizen speaks about France and the Nazis. Archive.org has her National Book Award-winning biography of her mother E-book: http://archive.org/details/madamecurie035051mbp 14 Carl Crow Author and founder of the Shanghai Evening Post speaks about Simon Bolivar, freedom and South America. Archive.org has several of his E-books: http://archive.org/search.php?query=crow%2C%20carl%20AND%20mediatype%3Atexts 15 Bertrand Russell British philosopher and mathematician speaks about the suspension of civil liberties in times of crisis. :/ Archive.org has several of his E-books: http://archive.org/search.php?query=Bertrand%20Russell%20AND%20mediatype%3Atexts 16 Ernest Hauser Author & expert on Japan speaks about Japan's conquest of East Asia & their inability to understand Democratic principles. Archive.org has one of his E-books: http://archive.org/search.php?query=Ernest%20Hauser 17 Douglas Miller Author (of "You Can't Do Business With Hitler, and others) speaks about business practices in Nazi Germany. No ebooks at archive.org but "You Can't Do Business With Hitler" radio program is there: http://archive.org/details/OTRR_You_Cant_Do_Business_With_Hitler_Singles 18 John R. Tunis Journalist and author speaks about Democracy and sports & the 1936 Berlin Olympic games. Archive.org has one of his baseball stories in an anthology: http://archive.org/details/crackofbatstorie00fenn 26 Carl Carmer Author and memoirist speaks about American fascists, civil liberties and free speech. Archive.org has several of his E-books: http://archive.org/search.php?query=Carl%20Carmer%20AND%20mediatype%3Atexts 27 Walter Millis Author speaks about the differences between WWI and WWII and "peace without victory." Archive.org has several of his E-books: http://archive.org/search.php?query=Walter%20Millis 28 Margaret Leech Historian and Pulitzer-winning author speaks about Lincoln & the Crisis of Democracy. Archive.org has one of her E-books: http://archive.org/search.php?query=%22MARGARET%20LEECH%22 30 Pearl S. Buck Nobel-winning author speaks about the necessity of winning the war via a strong Democratic conviction. Archive.org has several of her E-books: http://archive.org/search.php?query=Pearl%20%20Buck%20AND%20mediatype%3Atexts 31 Frank Gervasi Author, correspondent, and columnist speaks about the importance of oil & other influences on Nazis strategy during the war. No ebooks at archive.org. 34 Dorothy Canfield Fisher Educational reformer and author speaks about women and Democracy in America and the role of women in Nazi Germany. Archive.org has several of her E-books: http://archive.org/search.php?query=Dorothy%20Canfield%20Fisher%20AND%20mediatype%3Atexts 35 Erskine Caldwell Author and correspondent, speaks about his time in Russia and the attack by Nazi Germany. Archive.org has several of his E-books: http://archive.org/search.php?query=Erskine%20Caldwell%20AND%20mediatype%3Atexts Any error or typo is mine :)
This recording is part of the Old Time Radio collection.
Thanks so much for this!

Such wonderful audio slices of history. Must take you forever to upload them for all to hear. Very grateful to you for undertaking this project.

Thanks for posting. These shows are a great addition to the archive, and to anyone's collection of WWII era propaganda programs.
fascinating perspectives.

While the information is biased, I believe the guests views are sincere and representative primary material for this era.
Pearl S. Buck

Is it possible to get permission to use one of these recordings?