Gelesen von Chris Masterson
Henry David Thoreau

This was originally a lecture given by Thoreau in 1851 at the Concord lyceum titled "The Wild" . He revised it before his death and it was included as part of the June 1862 edition of Atlantic Monthly. This essay appears, on the surface, to be simply expounding the qualities of Nature and man's place therein. Through this medium he not only touches those subjects, but with the implications of such a respect for nature, or lack thereof. (Summary by Chris Masterson) (1 hr 29 min)
this is wonderful

It's what you would expect from this great man and lover of nature. I'm just back from a trip into the woods where I walked for hours and he makes me want to go right back. Enjoy!
An insightful little collection of work of divers subjects

I enjoyed the titular monograph on walking the most, but they are all worth the time. The reader was clear but their timing was a bit stilted, so it took some getting used to. still worth it.

Another pleasant experience of his writing. Much appreciation for him taking the time to take others on his, walk with nature.
should be read
Jorge Coelho

I find that the density of thought in this work is better read than consumed by listening.
I accept it.

American mythology is like butter for Soul