The Cruise of the Falcon - A Voyage to South America in a 30-Ton Yacht
Gelesen von Steven Seitel
Edward Frederick Knight
In this fine sailing and exploring yarn, Edward Frederick Knight (1852-1925), sometime English barrister, journalist, sportsman, and amateur seaman, conspires over a fish dinner in Harwich to buy and refit the tiny yacht Falcon, recruit a crew of four (and a cabin boy), and sail across the Atlantic Ocean to South America. This they do, despite naysayers who advised painting the yacht's name conspicuously on her keel to aid identification when found floating upside down in some foreign sea.
The book provides detailed descriptions of sailing in difficult waters and powerful storms, the spectacular scenery of Bahia and Rio de Janeiro, sport hunting in unspoiled jungles, frequent revolutions (and a terrible war of annihilation) and, perhaps most important, the customs of the many different peoples who inhabit the South American continent. As was common practice in his day, Knight assumes the superiority of the “white” races and is not hesitant to express his sometimes less-than-favorable impressions of the “lesser” races he encounters. But he offers high praise for the beauty of the land and the kindness of the people he meets. (Steven Seitel) (15 hr 48 min)
Cruise of the Falcon
Keith Horvath
What a great story (true) of 1860s sailing from England. Onto Patagonia, Trinidad, Brazil & many other ports. Also going up many different rivers the people, customs & goods of late 1800s. No radios, GPS, radar etc. A chronometer compass, sexton & trigonometry. Wonderful.
Excellent travelogue.
Michele Fry
Knight is a wonderful travelogue writer. Keeps your interest up all the time. And Steven Seitel the perfect reader for this material. I loved journeying to the interior of the continent, especially primitive Paraguay.
Gerard Kelly
most excellent in every way, thanks LibriVox and reader for this fascinating account.
so America of the late 1800s!