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pmb194 the scottish referendum a musical antidote 2014 09 14 03

With the Scottish Referendum only four days away we thought we might offer up a musical antidote in the form of a show which attempts to bestride several topics including Scottishness, unity, independence, positivity, negativity and neutrality.  All hopefully without alienating any of our dear listeners. Thanks to everyone who suggested tracks for this week's show.  We have wherever possible strived to either use these tracks or at least be inspired by them in presenting you with our selections. From around 9pm you'll be able to listen to or download the show from: That's also the place to find out more about the show and purchase tracks we play. If you would like to subscribe to the podcast, the easiest way is to subscribe via iTunes: Alternatively, you can add this address to your podcast/RSS feed reader: Do also please follow us on Twitter: We also have a Facebook page which you may care to "like": And we even have one of those there email addresses should you wish to get in touch: Project Moonbase is listener supported. So next time you buy anything from Amazon, please go via our Amazon affiliate link. It won’t cost you anything, is totally anonymous and best of all it helps keep the show running. Thank you! Yours neutrally, DJ Aye! MC Aye Right!



PMB194: The Scottish Referendum - A Musical Antidote (Daniel Kuhneghetz Ohlsson…
