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2 CBC Maigret And The Killer Georges Simenon

(4,588 Sterne; 17 Bewertungen)

CBC MAIGRET Based on the novels of   Georges Simenon 2 Maigret And The Killer Program Guide: pdf Starring Budd Knapp as Maigret CBC Stage - 1974-1977 - From Toronto Adapted by Frederick Spoerly Directed by Peter Donkin Saturdays, CBC-AM, 55-60 minutes Georges Simenon (1903-1989) was born in Liège, Belgium. He is best known in the English-speaking world as the author of the Inspector Maigret books. His prolific output of more than four hundred novels and short stories has made him a household name in continental Europe

This recording is part of the Old Time Radio collection.


2 CBC Maigret and the Killer



Maigret shows his understanding of people.

(5 Sterne)

This was well done. It only lacks the more detailed descriptions Simenon put in his novels. Maigret’s personality came through as well as in the novels. The actor did a fine performance.