Белые ночи (White Nights)
Gelesen von Yakovlev Valery
Fyodor Dostoyevsky

Belye Nochi ”White Nights” by Fyodor Dostoyevsky. In this small story (though author states this is a sentimental novel) author describes in his traditional and particular way the internal world of one young lonely person.
The hero’s 26 years old man, who is oriented into his internal world, who’s rather shy, and thus is in real demand of a soulful conversations and love. The action takes place in the city of a real and deep sentiments and romance — Saint Petersburg, the most romantic and European city in Russia. Not only the location is important, but also a time of a day: all actions in the story take place in evening and night time — the famous time of white nights.
Once, hero is going out to have a little daily promenade alone and he occasionally meets an attractive and lovely woman on evening streets of Saint Petersburg. Can he fell in love with her? Can they estimate the value of this relationship? Can they lead a happy life in this city of lonely hearts? You will know the answers on all these questions if you read or listen to a story.
(Summary written by Yakovlev Valery) (1 hr 58 min)
you cannot read this text with running nose

never read the text being I'll. you have no right to misread Dostoyevsky.

Oh my..... ... this is a terrible reading. Runny nose and so monotone.
white nights

Beautiful story. Funny and sad, about good people in a bygone era. Good for learning Russian language and culture.
Плохой диктор
Достоевский зол.

Не надо читать для того что бы только прочесть. Интонация ноль. Невозможно слушать, ничего не понятно.

Юноша, удалите эту запись немедленно! Больше читайте, лечите насморк. Попейте зеленки - выдечите болячку в голове.

ну мне кажется , что когда бабушка говорила о благонравных девицах во французских книгах , то она не ржала)))
мне понравилось

Спасибо Валерий за живое чтение. Звук мог бы быт получше, но в целом мне понравилось.
Очень понравилось

Спасибо Вам Валерий за такое живое, участливо чтение, было интересно Вас слушать