A Guest at the Ludlow and Other Stories
Gelesen von Don W. Jenkins
Bill Nye
Bill Nye was a respected journalist who also became known as a humorist. His short pieces range from a description of a visit to a friend residing in Ludlow prison, to “advice” to a son, to a wry commentary on his visits to Oakland, California. From real estate “investments” to accounts of less than ideal train passengers, Mr. Nye had his eye trained on the ironies of life, addressing them in the only sure way to preserve sanity, with humor.
(Summary by Don W. Jenkins) (4 hr 39 min)
get a load of these household hints!
LibriVox populi
I enjoyed the recipe for floor cleaner..e.g.. 'until you can look at it quite a while without getting nauseous'... but where would I find that much pokeberry juice? Thanks Don for a wonderful reading. your voice is perfect for this author.
Chapter 22
The project was still in process of being cataloged. Chapter 22 is now up.
Love the humour. The narrator does his usual awesome job
what happened to chapter 22 ?????