The Life of Samuel Johnson, Vol. II (version 2)
Gelesen von Barbara Baker
James Boswell

This is the second of four volumes of a what was a new, intimate, type of biography when it was first published in 1791 and which has been annotated by numerous editors . This edition with footnotes is by George Birbeck Hill. Boswell took many notes of Johnson's conversations during the time when he knew one of England's most influential men of letters and he also gives us frequent glimpses of other famous personalities who were part of Johnson's circle in eighteenth century London. - Summary by barbara2 (5 hr 11 min)

I listen to it mornings walking my dog in the park when things are quiet and calm. I become hypnotized by the steady pace of the male reader with his slow, concise sonorous voice. It is beautiful. Unfortunately, the woman who narrates book III and book IV has a sharp voice with a distinct jarring accent which I find nerve racking. Thus, I have given up these latter books. I would like to hear a rereading so that I can follow the aging Samuel Johnson as related by his protege Tom Boswell