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The Chief Legatee

Gelesen von Tony Oliva

(4,099 Sterne; 131 Bewertungen)

"I was married to-day in Grace Church. At the altar my bride--you probably know her name, Miss Georgian Hazen--wore a natural look, and was in all respects, so far as any one could see, a happy woman, satisfied with her choice and pleased with the éclat and elegancies of the occasion. Half-way down the aisle this all changed. I remember the instant perfectly. Her hand was on my arm and I felt it suddenly stiffen. I was not alarmed, but I gave her a quick look and saw that something had happened....
...I should have passed the matter over as a mere attack of nerves, if I had not afterwards detected in her face, through all the hurry and excitement of the ensuing reception, a strained expression not at all natural to her. This was still more evident after the congratulations of a certain guest, who, I am sure, whispered to her before he passed on...
...She entered the office with me and was standing close at my side all the time I was writing our names in the register; but later, when I turned to ask her to enter the elevator with me, she was gone..." (Excerpts from Chapter 1) (7 hr 1 min)


A Bride of Five Hours


Read by Tony Oliva

The Lady in Number Three


Read by Tony Oliva

He Knows the Word


Read by Tony Oliva

Mr. Ransom Waits


Read by Tony Oliva

In Corridor and in Room


Read by Tony Oliva

The Lawyer


Read by Tony Oliva



Read by Tony Oliva



Read by Tony Oliva

Hunter's Inn


Read by Tony Oliva

Two Doors


Read by Tony Oliva

Half-past One in the Morning


Read by Tony Oliva



Read by Tony Oliva

Where the Mill Stream Runs Fiercest


Read by Tony Oliva

A Detective's Work


Read by Tony Oliva



Read by Tony Oliva



Read by Tony Oliva

I Don't Hear


Read by Tony Oliva

God's Forest, Then Man's


Read by Tony Oliva

In Mrs. Deo's Room


Read by Tony Oliva

Between the Elderberry Bushes


Read by Tony Oliva

On the Cars


Read by Tony Oliva

A Suspicious Test


Read by Tony Oliva

A Startling Decision


Read by Tony Oliva

The Devil's Cauldron


Read by Tony Oliva

Death Eddy


Read by Tony Oliva



Read by Tony Oliva

She Speaks


Read by Tony Oliva

Fifteen Minutes


Read by Tony Oliva

There Is One Way


Read by Tony Oliva

Not Yet


Read by Tony Oliva


Oof, this was a painful story

(3 Sterne)

I can't help but think AKG was perhaps sick with a fever when she wrote this one. A recently married couple's wedding is disturbed by the appearance of a weird looking man. The bride disappears. The groom, rightly concluding that the weird guy had something to do with it, traces the man and learns he is the girl's brother, who supposedly was dead. So what does that have to do with the bride's disappearance? I listened to the why's of this story and shook my head in disbelief. I don't want to give the ending away, but this story is just silly in its cause behind the mystery. It is definitely not one of AKG's best efforts. Reading and recordings were fine.


(2 Sterne)

The review entitled "Disappointing" was spot on. The ending made no sense to me. While the reason behind everything is supposed to be an important one AKG didn't explain why. I can't be clearer as I don't want to spoil things in case you decide to listen to this. It's almost as if AKG couldn't think of a decent ending so she wrote what she did but then was either bored or disappointed with her ending so she decided not to go into any real details about it. 2 stars is a generous rating.

The Chief Legatee

(5 Sterne)

Interesting story by a writer I only recently discovered through LibriVox Audiobooks. Thanks for that! And many thanks also to the reader. This is the second book I've heard completely narrated by him, and his careful diction as well as distinction of characters made for very enjoyable listening. : )


(2 Sterne)

Long drawn out mystery with no satisfying answers mark this tale of AKG's, whom I usually enjoy. This however, missed the target, unfortunately.

Disappearing Act

(3 Sterne)

The story was very interesting but the narrator was a bit of a drag and overemphasized the characters. If you can sit through that it is a good book. 5 stars for the book, 3 stars for the reader.

(5 Sterne)

Interesting story, but confused ending. It kept me quessing what it was all about. i like the writer. Some books I like better than others. This book is one of the better ones.

lawyers should be smarter...

(2,5 Sterne)

Plot is ok but a distasteful end. Lawyers should be smarter. Long (like a lot of the plots of the era). Well narrated.

great read

(5 Sterne)

excellent reading which is easy to listen to. the story seemed to end before it was finished but plenty of engaging twists and turns.