The Wild Swans at Coole (Version 2)
Gelesen von Peter Tucker
William Butler Yeats

A collection of poems from the mid-career of this renowned Irish poet, the title poem referring to the estate of his friend and mentor, Lady Gregory. The poems display Yeats' use of symbols (cat, hare, moon, etc), his attachment to the supernatural and Irish folklore, and his recourse to alter egos (Aherne and Robartes). They also exemplify his distinctive style of expression. (Summary by Peter Tucker) (1 hr 11 min)
Malola Zap

One can see why Yeats has many fanboys and fangirls. (How shall we call them?? Yeaties?) The pacing and rhythm of the poems is beautiful. I'll eventually read while listening because I missed a few parts and I think the narrator did a beautiful job. The definitely has the voice fitted for this particular type of genre.

Well read, but would have been much better if the name of the poem was announced before it was read.