Fictional Biographies & Memoirs

Where the Blue Begins

Read by LibriVox Volunteers

Christopher Morley

In his collection Plum Pudding, Christopher Morley included two pieces about an unprepossessing mutt named “Haphazard Gissing I” with a gift…

Nicholas Nickelby Band 6

Read by josvanaken

Charles Dickens

Der junge Nikolas Nickleby muss sich Anfang des 19. Jahrhunderts in England durch den Verlust seines Vaters plötzlich in einer gefä…

A Cidade e as Serras

Read by L.S.B.Seabra

José Maria De Eça De Queirós

Numa manhã de Inverno, o cosmopolita Jacinto decide regressar à sua Tormes natal, pacata vila das serras portuguesas, acompanh…

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