A treatise on the increasing loudness of modern life, including philosophical and scientific discussion of what noise is, how effects us phy…
The Crisis is the official publication of the NAACP first published in 1910 with W. E. B. Du Bois, one of the founders, as editor. He exerc…
In 1952, Congress passed the Immigration and Nationality Act of 1952, which had many provisions objectionable to many Americans. President T…
This is Ms. Raymond's thesis submitted for the awarding of her master's degree from the University of Wisconsin (Madison.) Raymond clearly k…
Long before he was President and having just started his law practice, 28-year-old Abraham Lincoln delivered (January 27, 1838) a speech on …
“By a brief survey of present day Hopi culture and an examination into the myths and traditions constituting the unwritten literature of thi…
Illustrating and explaining the science and philosophy, the legends, myths and symbols of the fraternity of Freemasons.(Summary by Brother M…
These volumes of slave narratives are the product of the Federal Writers Project sponsored by the Library of Congress and the Work Project A…