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Pied Beauty - Read by TA

In Pied Beauty

Read by Tony Addison

Gerard Manley Hopkins

In the Author's Preface to Poems of Gerard Manley Hopkins, he describes this poem as Curtal-Sonnet "that is they are constructed in pro…

The Haunted Palace - Read by TA

In The Haunted Palace

Read by Tony Addison

Edgar Allan Poe

"The Haunted Palace" originally issued in the Baltimore American Museum for April, 1888, was subsequently embodied in that much ad…

Song: Eternity of Love Protested by Thomas Carew - read by TA

In Song: Eternity of Love Protested

Read by Tony Addison

Thomas Carew

Thomas Carew (pronounced "Carey") (1595 - 1640) was one of the Cavalier poets, a group associated with the unfortunate King Charl…

Marriage, Section 1

In Marriage, as it was, as it is and as it should be

Read by Tony Addison

Annie Besant

In this short pamphlet, Annie Besant - a well-known British women's rights activist - lays down British marriage laws as they were at her ti…

Kubla Khan

In Short Poetry Collection 148

Read by Tony Addison

Samuel Taylor Coleridge

This is a collection of 27 poems read by LibriVox volunteers for September 2015.

The Prologue

In The Canterbury Tales (Middle English)

Read by Tony Addison

Geoffrey Chaucer

Chaucer's famous and important work is predicated upon the premise that a group of Christian folks from various occupations, familiar in the…

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