In Address to Certain Goldfishes
LibriVox volunteers bring you 19 recordings of Address to Certain Goldfishes by Hartley Coleridge. This was the Fortnightly Poetry project f…
In Siberia
LibriVox volunteers bring you 20 recordings of Siberia by James Clarence Mangan. This was the Fortnightly Poetry project for September 2, 20…
In Here, Take My Heart
LibriVox volunteers bring you 23 recordings of Here, Take My Heart by Thomas Moore. This was the Weekly Poetry project for July 29, 2012. Th…
In Oh! Can You Leave Your Native Land?
LibriVox volunteers bring you ten recordings of Oh! Can You Leave Your Native Land? by Susanna Moodie. This was the weekly poem for the week…
In Christmas Carol Collection 2012
LibriVox volunteers bring you this year's selection of 23 sacred and secular carols, hymns and Christmas songs, in English, French, German, …
In Die Frauen und ihr Beruf
Luise Büchner war eine deutsche Schriftstellerin und Frauenrechtlerin. In ihrem Buch "Die Frauen und ihr Beruf", erstmals ers…