BBC Radio
Ray Bradbury: BBC Radio Plays

A giant of 20th century genre fiction, Bradbury’s imaginative stories lend themselves particularly well to the audio medium. Here’s a collec…
OTRR Certified Sam Spade Singles

Individual files from the OTRR Certified set: The Adventures of Sam Spade
BBC Radio: Short History Of Vampires

Vampires are the ultimate killing machines. Classicist and former stand-up comic Natalie Haynes examines why this iconic figure in horror-fi…
Ghosts From The Past (BBC Radio horror)

A series of spooky radio plays about hauntings directed by Martin Jenkins and first broadcast on BBC Radio 4 in April 1992. In FLAC (lossles…
BBC Radio: Guy De Maupansant's short stories

UPDATED 3/1/2023: Added the play Maupassant’s Confessions of a Hedonist as well as BBC readings of the short stories “A Wedding Gift,” “Happ…
The Female Ghost: BBC Radio Ghost Stories by Great Women Writers

Four ghostly stories written by women, dramatized by Christopher Hawes and produced by Marion Nancarrow. First broadcast on BBC Radio 4 in J…
Lynn Ferguson - After Happy Ever

Five Comedy dramas revealing what became of fairy-tale heroines after they went on to live happily ever after, 1 Rapunze…
Lee Pressman Harpo Goes To Leningrad

Afternoon Play: Harpo Goes to Leningrad Thu 4th May 2006, 14:15 on BBC Radio 4 FM By Lee Pressman The true story of Harp…
Never the Bride by Paul Magrs

Never the Bride by Paul Magrs Brenda, the cheerful landlady of a modest B&B in a Victorian seaside town in the North East, isn't quite w…
John Peacock - Posters of the Moulin Rouge

Toulouse Lautrec's characters come to life. When the Moulin Rouge cabaret opened in Montmartre, Paris in 1889, Toulouse-Lautrec was co…
Live From Blackpool
Radio 2 Saturday 5 September 2009 Kate Thornton and Aled Jones introduce a star-studded concert, live from Blackpool's Empress Ballroom, wit…