Mazhar Ali Khan
Al youm akmaltu lakum deenukum .. . Ch 5 Ayat 3
"This day, I have perfected your religion for you, completed My Favour upon you, and have chosen for you Islam as your religion. But as…
Wa maa khalaqtul-Jinna wal-'insa
Sermon in Urdu: "Wa maa khalaqtul-Jinna wal-'insa 'illa liya'-buduun." Quran Chapter 51 Ayah 56 (I created the Jinn and humankind …
Ya ayyatuha alnnafsu almutmainnatu .. .. .
27. But ah! thou soul at peace! 28. Return unto thy Lord, content in His good pleasure! 29. Enter thou among My bondmen! 30. Enter thou My G…
Wala-sawfa yu'tiika Rabbuka fa-tarzaa .Ch 93
"And surely your Lord will give to satisfy you." Ch 93 Ayat 5. Mazhar Ali Khan in his discourse informs us as to when and at which…
Wa fii 'anfusikum 'afalaa tubsiruun ? Ch 51 Ayat 21
"And in yourselves there are signs. Will you then not see?" Ch51Ayat21. Mazhar Ali Khan takes us on a journey into the wonderland …
'Alam tara kayfa fa-'ala Rabbuka ..
'Alam tara kayfa fa-'ala Rabbuka... Quran Chapter 105 Ayah 1 (Have you not seen how your Lord dealt with...)
wanahnu aqrabu ilayhi min habli alwareedi .. Ch 50 Ayat 16
And We are nearer to him than his jugular vein........... And indeed We have created man, and We know what his ownself whispers to him. And …