The Singles And Doubles Collection vol 2 Single Episodes
Old Time Radio Researchers Group

This is a work in progress. This OTRR Collection is a Non-Certified one, containing series in which currently only one or two episodes are known to exist -- hence the name: "Singles and Doubles Collection". Almost every type genre is included. Radio -- called by some The Theater of the Mind -- has been with us since 1920 when stations WWJ of Detroit and KDKA of Pittsburg made the first regular commercial broadcasts. The first program aimed at entertaining the unseen audience followed close behind. Over the years since then, literally thousands of series have been broadcast nationally and thousands more in regional or local markets. Some endured for a few years, others for 20 or 30, and some unfortunately only had one episode broadcast. Of those thousands, some series saw some of their episodes saved for the future, some saw nearly all and others only one or two episodes. While the goal of the Old Time Radio Researchers Group is to preserve radios past by collecting, and archiving as many different series as possible and making them available to the community, we do not want to let the series that only had a minimum number of episodes to survive go unpreserved for future generations. To that end we have put together this unique collection of series. Most of the programs you will find here will be totally unfamilar to you, but they are informative and entertaining none the less. This is the second version of this collection that we have released. Since the first collection new broadcasts have surfaced, and others will undoubtely be found in the future. When and if that occurs, we will release a version three. From comedy to drama to cooking shows to music, you'll hear it all here, and every episode will be unique and different. They run the gamut, from the middle 20s to the early 70s, all showing us a glimpse of the past, when things were slower and families gathered round the radio each evening. Times when each person was hearing the same thing, but created a different picture in their minds of what the characters looked like, the scenery, location, and most important the sounds. Sounds that each found a different meaning in, but one that entertained, educated, and made the world a smaller place, where you could hear those stories that in the past were told to just a few, gathered round the dinner table, at a campfire, or in small audiences, but now the whole world could hear and enjoy. Some of these episodes may be misnamed or misdated. If you find such, please let us know. Additionally there may be some dead air space at the beginning or ending of some episodes. This is not one of our certified sets, it is being provided as a way to obtain those series in which only one or two shows have survived. From the Old Time Radio Researcher's Group. See "Note" Section below for more information on the OTRR.
This recording is part of the Old Time Radio collection.

nightkey5 displays the title tag, so that is why many of the shows display oddly. To see the file name hover the cursor over the link for download. WFR 46-02-11 Strange Case Of The Murderer In Wax should be dated 46-01-07 and as this is a modern rebroadcast a more complete version exists. Fran Murray Sports 4709xx should be dated 470911 Tom Rogers Sports 5201xx should be dated 520105 Shows that are not Singles or Doubles (more than 2 circulating in mp3)include: Adventures of Zorro, AFRS Sportsreel, Arch Oboler's Plays, The Big Show (which was an OTRR release), Carson Robison, Catholic Hour, Choose a Song Partner, Hi Jinx, New Adventures of Sherlock Holmes, Science Magazine Of The Air Duplicate shows within Vol 2 include Navy Star Time, Oklahoma Roundup

Frenchy's Gang 11.6 MB is actually From The Bookshelf Of The World 49-xx-xx (74) On Borrowed Time-AFRS.mp3 Frenchy's Gang 6.6 MB is Box Score Review 47-xx-xx Guest-Bill Rigney.mp3 Frenchy's Gang 6.5 MB is Box Score Review 47-04-22 Guest-Peewee Reese.mp3 Session1 Track1 is Fantasy 47-08-23 (Audition) Entity From The Void .mp3 17-1945 is Erskine Johnson, Hollywood Reporter 45-12-17.mp3 Case of the Floating Corpse is Fletcher Wylie 43-08-25 First Song-Happy Birthday.mp3 Session1 Track4 is For The Defense xx-xx-xx The Case Of The Bride Who Disappeared.mp3 Gisele MacKenzie Show, The 56xxxx (07) Guest - Snooky Lanson is Airtime 56-xx-xx (07) Gisele MacKenzie Show, The 56xxxx (08) Guest - Cab Calloway is Airtime 56-xx-xx (08) Wizard Of Odds, The is Leave It To Joan 50-01-20.mp3
Item named "Clan of the Fiery Cross..." Huh?

The filename in the directory is an error. The MP3 file once you download the single item is a variety show, "Walgreens_45th_Anniversary_46-06-18.mp3" -- an hour-long episode of "RADIO'S BIGGEST SHOW" Syndicated by Walgreen Drug Stores with standup-host Bob Hope. Harry Von Zell (announcer). The Andrews Sisters open with "Atlanta Ga." Dennis Day sings "All through the day..." Others: Eddie "Rochester" Anderson, Eddy Duchin, Frank Morgan, Ginny Simms, Ray Noble and His Orchestra play an instrumentals called "China Boy"; Simms sings "Body & Soul"; pianist Duchin plays "Night & Day"
Cannot download this version, either!

Old as Old Time Radio
Well, I just did my second download of the "singles version" here. Just like my two attempts to download the "non-singles version," I could not extract the files after the download. Too bad. I did enjoy the "Singles and Doubles Volume 1 shows." Those were in smaller, CD-size zip files. I guess I cannot get these "DVD-size" zip files. Thanks for the effort to compile these. I will download some of the individual shows, but it's not worth the effort to try to get them all.
MAJOR buried treasure alert!

The Lannie Ross Program has as a guest, one of Lanny's old Army buddies...who just happens to be Don Knotts. Yes, *that* Don Knotts. It's very likely his first ever network radio appearance, and he can be heard doing an all-too-brief comedy routine about a tongue-tied football announcer...pretty typical for what Don did in those days, up through his Steve Allen time. And he sounds so young! (He would've been in his 20s.) Thank you for uploading these.
thank you!

you are soooo right OTTR folks - there is nothing here to criticize, as far as I can see/hear - I am soooo thankful for all the work you do! it gives me a huge amount of pleasure to have access to all these hours of old radio you provide. I'm sure you don't hear it near enough - THANK YOU. :) liz

Isn't Clan of the Fiery Cross an episode of Superman? I didn't listen to that track, but unless there is something else by that name floating around, it doesn't belong in a singles and doubles collection. Great scoop on most of these, though.
Give Credit Where Credit Is Due

Give some credit for the effort to bring you episodes you will never find anywhere else. We're sorry for the dupes, but think of the other new and unusual episodes here.