The Life of Abraham Lincoln, Volume 1
Ida M. Tarbell
Read by Ciufi Galeazzi
Volume 1 of Ida Tarbell's biography of Lincoln covers his life from his boyhood to his election to the presidency in 1860. Tarbell, in addition to her famous work in investigative journalism (in particular, her influential expose of The Standard Oil Company), was a noted Lincoln scholar. Her writings on Lincoln, originally published as articles in McClure's Magazine, were highly acclaimed. - Summary by Ciufi Galeazzi
LIfe of Abraham Lincoln, Volume 2 (14 hr 31 min)
Ida Tarbell is on the wrong side of herstory
Bill Cosby
In the past both Ida Tarbell and Abraham Lincoln were considered leaders in the fields of human rights. Today, we liberal justice warriors realize that they were both Monsters. Abraham Lincoln failed to use proper terminology and due deference when referring to Communities of Color. Ida Tarbell failed to embrace (her/his) nonbinary nature. Not one of (her/his) works discuss the role of white males in preventing gender affirming surgery to children. Both are now persona non-gratta and need to be erased from herstory.