One-Act Play Collection 020

Read by LibriVox Volunteers

Here, in our 20th collection, are 10 One Act Plays for your enjoyment. They range from pure fantasy, historical, farces, and dramas. All short gems to make you laugh, cry, think, or all three. (NOTE: Louise Saunders died in 1965 and Floyd Dell died in 1969. Their plays are not PD for listeners in Europe and/or Australia, and other countries which observe copyright of author's death +70 years.) - Summary by ToddHW

Cast list:
1. Comus by John Milton. BC for this play is alanmapstone
The Attendant Spirit: WendyKatzHiller
Comus: Greg Giordano
The Lady: Jenn Broda
First Brother: Algy Pug
Second Brother: Larry Wilson
Sabrina, the Nymph: Agnes Robert Behr
Narration: Alan Mapstone

2. Matchmakers by Annie Eliot Trumbull. BC for this play is jennlea
Mr. F. Harrington Courtenay, a banker: Greg Giordano
Mr. Aaron Fithworth, a young man with a hobby: Tomas Peter
Mrs. Evangeline Rodney, a designing widow: Inkell
Miss Henrietta White, Mrs. Rodney’s niece: Jenn Broda
Stage Directions: Agnes Robert Behr

3. The Proposal by Anton Pavlovich Chekov. BC for this play is Inkell
NATALYA STEPANOVNA, his daughter, twenty-five years old: Jenn Broda
IVAN VASSILEVITCH LOMOV, a neighbour of Chubukov, a large and hearty, but very suspicious landowner: ToddHW
Stage Directions: Inkell

4. The Knave of Hearts by Louise Saunders. BC for this play is ToddHW
The Manager: ToddHW
Blue Hose: Rapunzelina
Yellow Hose: Shickey
Herald: Sylphwyld
Pompdebile the Eighth, King of Hearts: HelloCentral
The Chancellor: Greg Giordano
The Knave of Hearts: Michael Faze
Ursula: Agnes Robert Behr
The Lady Violetta: Winnifred Assmann
Boy: Sylphwyld
Stage Directions: Larry Wilson

5. Ibsen Revisited: A Piece of Foolishness by Floyd Dell (1887 – 1969). BC for this play is Winnifred
NOTE: Dell died in 1969. This story is not PD for readers in Europe and/or Australia, and other countries which observe copyright of author's death +70 years.
Stage Directions: Agnes Robert Behr
The Maid: ShrimpPhish
The Stranger: Greg Giordano
A Voice: Winnifred Assmann

6. Alfred the Great by Thomas Arne. BC for this play is alanmapstone
Alfred, King of England: Adrian Stephens
Eltruda, Queen of England: Winnifred Assmann
Prince Edward: Greg Giordano
Corin, a shepherd: Larry Wilson
Emma, a shepherdess: ShrimpPhish
First Spirit: Agnes Robert Behr
Edith: dc
Chorus/Narration: Alan Mapstone

7. A Sunny Morning by Serafín and Joaquín Alvarez Quintero, translated by Lucretia Xavier Floyd. BC for this play is Rapunzelina
Doña Laura: Sylphwyld
Petra, her maid: ShrimpPhish
Don Gonzalo: stepheather
Juanito, his servant: Greg Giordano
Stage Directions: Inkell

8. The Sub-Contractor, from Over the Footlights by Stephen Leacock. BC for this play is Winnifred
Dump: Larry Wilson
Vamp: ShrimpPhish
Slump: Greg Giordano
Simp: Agnes Robert Behr
Narrator: Winnifred Assmann

9. The Clod by Lewis Beach. BC for this play is Inkell
Thaddeus Trask: Inkell
Mary Trask: Agnes Robert Behr
A Northern Soldier: stepheather
A Southern Sergeant: Greg Giordano
Dick: Alan Mapstone
Stage Directions: ShrimpPhish

10. Acis and Galatea by John Gay (1685-1732). BC for this play is alanmapstone
Acis: Larry Wilson
Galatea: stepheather
Polyphemus: Greg Giordano
Damon: Agnes Robert Behr
Chorus: Alan Mapstone
(5 hr 41 min)


COMUS 1:06:58 Read by LibriVox Volunteers
Matchmakers 1:13:58 Read by LibriVox Volunteers
The Proposal 31:28 Read by LibriVox Volunteers
The Knave of Hearts 53:38 Read by LibriVox Volunteers
Ibsen Revisited: A Piece of Foolishness 6:43 Read by LibriVox Volunteers
Alfred the Great 30:16 Read by LibriVox Volunteers
"A sunny morning" 22:13 Read by LibriVox Volunteers
“The Sub-Contractor" 13:52 Read by LibriVox Volunteers
The Clod 30:18 Read by LibriVox Volunteers
Acis and Galatea 11:51 Read by LibriVox Volunteers