Multilingual Short Works Collection 037 - Poetry & Prose
Read by LibriVox Volunteers
This is our 36th collection of short pieces, poetry or prose, fiction and non-fiction, in several different languages (except standard English) as listed below. All chosen and recorded by Librivox volunteers. - Summary by ToddHW
1. Bengali - পড়ার হিসাব [Porar Hishab] - 1:28
Sukumar Ray
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Keywords: fun, study, fall, pun
2. French - O si chère de loin et proche et blanche - 1:29
Stéphane Mallarmé
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Keywords: Beauty, Affection, Stephane Mallarme, French, Poetry
3. French - Pour le Pays, Québec 8 mai 1871 - 25:52
Arthur Buies
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Keywords: Quebec City's infrastructure, the nature of the settler, weather and the land
4. German - Auf dem Brocken - 1:02
Heinrich Heine
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Keywords: Romantik, Natur, Liebe
5. German - Der Lindenbaum - 1:21
Wilhelm Müller
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Keywords: Die Winterreise; Romantik
6. German - Schlafen! - 16:42
Anton Tschechow
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Keywords: Drama, social criticism
7. German - Wirkungen der Völkerwanderung - 14:31
Felix Dahn
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Keywords: Geschichte der Völkerwanderung
8. Hindi - मोटेराम जी शास्त्री [Moteramji Shastri] - 16:00
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Keywords: Satire, Caricature, Humour, Pre-Independence Indian society, Quackery
9. Hindi - प्रतिध्वनि [Pratidhwani] - 1:06
Suryakant Tripathi Nirala
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Keywords: Nature, Beauty, Memories, Resonance of Thoughts and Emotions
10. Hindi - सभ्यता [Sabhyata] - 2:31
Satyasharan Ratudi
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Keywords: grace, refinement, culture
11. Hindi - विदाई [Vidai] - 1:40
Jaishankar Prasad
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Keywords: Separation, Heartbreak, Skandagupta Vikramaditya
12. Latin - Canis deceptus - 1:06
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Keywords: Fabel, Antike, Aesop
13. Luxembourgish - Um Bur - 3:30
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Keywords: police, farmers, satire, smuggling
14. Persian - عاشق شدن پادشاه با کنیزک و تدبیر برای صحت او [âsheq shodan-e pâdeshâh...] - 2:31
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Keywords: king, maid, Health, Masnavi, مثنوی معنوی
15. Polish - Na panów, oskarżając ich o niedbałość ojczyzny - 2:04
Wacław Potocki
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Keywords: wiersz, szlachta, nagana, tchórzostwo
16. Polish - Wielcy złodzieje małe wieszą - 1:24
Biernat z Lublina
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Keywords: bajka, wiersz, złodziej
17. Russian - Капитанский мундир [Kapitanskiy mundir] - 13:25
Антон Чехов
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Keywords: Портной, Капитан, Работа, Провинция
18. Russian - Либерал [Liberal] - 11:16
Антон Чехов
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Keywords: Подчинённый, Начальник, Протест, Новый год
19. Russian - Радость [Radost'] - 4:14
Антон Чехов
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Keywords: Fun, Newspaper, Joy, Incident
20. Sanskrit - तर्कसङ्ग्रहः [Tarkasaṃgraha] - 29:47
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Keywords: Nyaya, Logic, Sanskrit, Beginners Manual, Indian Philosophy
(2 hr 32 min)