A Treatise Of Human Nature, Volume 1
David Hume
Read by George Yeager

This book, published in two volumes called "books" by the author, is a treatment of everything from the origin of our ideas to how they are to be divided. It includes important statements of Scepticism and Hume's experimental method. Part 1 deals with the nature of ideas. Part 2 deals with the ideas of space and time. Part 3 deals with knowledge and probability. Part 4 deals with skeptical and other systems of philosophy, including a discussion of the soul and personal identity. (Summary by Wikipedia)
This is a recording of Volume I (or Book 1). Volume II (which contains Books 2 and 3) is also available as a Librivox audiobook. (13 hr 57 min)

Brook H
excellent and helpful on my journey

Miguel Cano
At the ende of some chaptes the audio vioce speeds Up, anyway thanks for the effort yo allí of you
awesome book

Ruslan Vasylev
Thank you author, thank you voice person for giving the book life, its a true mirricle... :-)

Chris Crowther
vwry well read and clear! Thanks, George!