Two Poe Tales
Edgar Allan Poe
Read by Catharine Eastman

Edgar Allan Poe is best known for his famous short horror stories; however, horror is not the only genre in which he wrote. How To Write a Blackwood Article and its companion piece A Predicament are satirical works exploring the pieces of the formula generally seen in short horror stories (“articles”) found in the Scottish periodical “Blackwood’s Magazine” and the successful misapplication of said formula by – horrors! – a woman author! – respectively. (Summary by Catharine Eastman and Wikipedia) (0 hr 58 min)
How To Write a Blackwood Article | 29:50 | Read by Catharine Eastman |
A Predicament | 28:53 | Read by Catharine Eastman |
How to Write a Blackwood Article and Predicament

Dean Rao
I'm surprised there are no other reviews. The reading here is brilliant. I first read these stories some twenty-five years ago and thought them masterly satire. And a pleasant surprise, as theretofore I'd appreciated Poe mostly as a master of macabre horror. But now hearing the stories read in a voice that (I imagine) delightfully captures the author's intended tone, I find the stories are much more enjoyable and understandable to me than they were in the voice I'd imagined when reading them myself.